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Licensing Sub-Committee - Monday 17 June 2024 10.00 am

June 17, 2024 View on council website Watch video of meeting
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The Licensing Sub-Committee of Sheffield Council met on Monday 17 June 2024 to discuss an application for a variation of a premises licence for Bar One Four One, located at 141 West Street, Sheffield. The application, submitted by MT Bar Ltd, sought to extend the venue's operating hours until 4am. The Sub-Committee granted the application with the condition that no new entry to the premises would be allowed after 3am.

Bar One Four One Licence Variation

The Chief Licensing Officer presented the report, noting that the application was made under Section 34 of the Licensing Act 2003 for a variation of the premises licence. The application aimed to extend the current licensable activities and opening hours to 4am throughout the week. The report included representations from one interested party who could not attend the hearing. During the consultation period, a condition was agreed upon with South Yorkshire Police, which was included in the report.

Patrick Robson, representing the applicant, detailed the application and addressed the concerns raised in the written objection. He highlighted the following points:

  • Applicant's Background: Elton Sula, the applicant, has a background in security and has managed the bar since 2018. Since 2023, he has also been the landlord of the three apartments above the bar, one of which is occupied by the General Manager, Majid Khan.
  • Premises Details: The bar has a maximum capacity of 234 and operates mainly on Thursdays, Fridays, and Saturdays from 8pm. It has a single customer entrance/exit shielded by the building.
  • Noise Control: The premises are equipped with a compression noise limiter, soundproofing, and triple-glazed windows. Noise readings are conducted hourly outside the premises during operation.
  • Security Measures: The bar employs up to six door staff, uses CCTV, and has an ID scanner installed. There is no sound escape from the rear entrance, which is not used by customers.
  • Community and Compliance: No direct complaints have been received from residents in the six years of operation. The tenants of the apartments above the bar and other residents in the vicinity have not raised objections. The premises have operated in full compliance with existing licence conditions.

In response to questions from the Sub-Committee, Mr Robson clarified that noise testing at height was not known to be possible and reiterated that no complaints had been received. He mentioned that a telephone number is available on the premises' Facebook page for complaints, and the Duty Manager's number could be provided to the objector and other complainants if necessary.

The Sub-Committee considered the options available and resolved to grant the application as requested, including the condition agreed with South Yorkshire Police that no new entry to the premises would be allowed after 3am. The full reasons for the decision will be included in the written Notice of Determination.

For more details, you can refer to the Public reports pack and the Printed minutes of the meeting.