People, Performance and Development Committee Appointment Sub-Committee - Monday, 17 June 2024 11.30 am

June 17, 2024 View on council website
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This meeting was scheduled to consider the appointment of a new Director of Education and Lifelong Learning.

The meeting was largely held in private, although the committee was scheduled to consider whether to make details of its discussions public after the meeting had taken place.

Appointment of Director of Education and Lifelong Learning

The most significant item scheduled for discussion was the appointment of a new Director of Education and Lifelong Learning at Surrey County Council.

The People, Performance and Development Committee Appointments Sub-Committee was due to interview for the position, which is a statutory position at the council. The agenda does not give any indication of the number of candidates due to be interviewed.

The report pack for the meeting included the job description for the role, which describes the job of Director of Education and Lifelong Learning as:

The Director of Education and Lifelong Learning will hold overall accountability for ensuring that the ambition for all children and young people across Surrey is realised. You will work with a range of partners both within the Council and across the Surrey system to bring together and effectively use all of the levers available, including but not limited to education, social care, health, early help, and the voluntary and community sector. You will be a key member of the Corporate Leadership Team and will work collaboratively with colleagues across the Council and partners to deliver the best possible outcomes for Surrey residents. Public reports pack Monday 17-Jun-2024 11.30 People Performance and Development Committee Appoin p.6

The report pack describes Surrey County Council's Education and Lifelong Learning directorate as being responsible for:

  • Education
  • Children's Social Care
  • Early Help and Family Support
  • Virtual School and Education, Health and Care Plan services

The report pack states that the statutory responsibilities of the Director of Education and Lifelong Learning are:

  • To provide a comprehensive and efficient service of education for all > children and young people in Surrey aged 0-25
  • To work with the Director of Public Health to improve the health and > wellbeing of the population
  • To work with partners to reduce crime and disorder
  • To ensure that the welfare of looked after children is promoted
  • To have regard to the need to safeguard and promote the welfare of > children
  • To ensure that sufficient childcare of good quality is available to > meet the needs of parents in Surrey

Public reports pack Monday 17-Jun-2024 11.30 People Performance and Development Committee Appoin p.6

The report pack states that the salary for the Director of Education and Lifelong Learning role will be in the range of £180,000 to £190,000.