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Governance and Audit Committee - Tuesday, 11th June, 2024 2.00 pm

June 11, 2024 View on council website Watch video of meeting
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The Governance and Audit Committee of East Lindsey Council convened on Tuesday, 11 June 2024, to discuss several key issues, including the internal audit report, the annual governance statement, and the establishment of a joint committee for devolution. The committee also reviewed the year-end Treasury management outturn and the member development annual report.

Internal Audit Report

Emma Foy presented the quarter 4 internal audit report, which was completed on 12 April 2024. The report highlighted five reviews: ICT incident management, Levelling Up Phase 2, financial key controls, performance management, and procurement. While most areas received substantial assurance, procurement received a limited assurance opinion. Councillor Brockway expressed concerns about the limited assurance rating, arguing that the issues were peripheral and that the judgement was too severe. The committee decided to re-examine the procurement area in the 2024/25 audit cycle to ensure recommendations are implemented.

Annual Governance Statement

The committee reviewed the draft annual governance statement, which has been updated to reflect the governance framework, risks, internal audit opinions, and key achievements for 2023/24. The governance action plan was also updated to address key risks such as loss of key staff and financial settlement uncertainty. Members were encouraged to provide feedback over the summer, with a final version to be presented in September.

Establishment of Joint Committee for Devolution

The committee discussed the establishment of a joint committee of the Lincoln districts to participate in the new Mayoral Combined County Authority. The committee recommended that the leader of West Lindsey represent the authority at the joint committee. There was also a discussion about the need for regular reports on the performance and workings of the joint committee to ensure transparency and accountability.

Year-End Treasury Management Outturn

Peter Davey presented the annual Treasury management report for 2023/24, noting that the council had benefited from increased interest rates, generating £1.144 million, exceeding the budget by £567,000. The report also highlighted the need for refinancing some existing borrowing in the short term due to higher interest rates. The committee approved the report.

Member Development Annual Report

Ellie presented the member development annual report for 2023/24, highlighting the success of the renewed approach to member development, which saw higher attendance rates and positive feedback. However, there was a noted lack of formal feedback, which will be a focus for the coming year. The committee approved the updated terms of reference for the member development group and the work programme for 2024/25.

For more details, you can refer to the public reports pack and the printed minutes of the meeting.
