[ Pause ]
Thank you. Can I now formally open the meeting?
Before we do so, I'll just go through the introductions.
This meeting will be webcast, so please speak clearly into the microphone
after pressing the button to switch it on.
After the chair has turned off their microphone.
The location of the exits, toilets and refreshment facilities I think you are known,
but just in case over there and over there and refreshments if you need water at the side.
There's no planned fire alarm, so if you do hear one, please evacuate the building
in the northerly manner through the nearest door and follow the signs.
The assembly point is, as you know, the fountain in front of the Gold Hill adjacent to cost the coffee.
Before we have prayers, perhaps we'd like to take a seat. Thank you.
[ Pause ]
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Thank you, Reverend Colton, for those words.
I'd like to welcome the public and those viewing from home.
I'd like to make a special announcement or thing to say
that we all are thinking of Emma Foy and her family at the moment.
As most of you are aware, she had a bereavement not so long ago and I know Emma is online
and no doubt watching us and I think we will send her her good wishes
and hold her and her family in our thoughts at the present time.
And Emma being our Emma is, she's carrying on doing her work
for which we are very grateful but do please make sure you remember that your family is important as well.
Thank you.
Apologies for absence.
Can I first ask the monitoring officer for apologies, please?
Thank you Chairman, apologies for being received from Councillor Mrs Lawrence,
Councillor Barrett and Councillor Mrs Rogers.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Are there any further apologies?
Councillor Fleetwood.
Can I report, Councillor Doogood and Councillor Barrett as well, please?
Thank you for that.
Any further on?
Okay, so let's now move on to the next item which is members declaration of interest.
Members may make any declarations of interest at this point and may also make them at any point during the meeting.
Are there any declarations of interest from members?
Before we start the civic proceedings of electing a chairman of the Council for the ensuing year,
I want to take a moment to reflect upon the past year in this office and to share with you some of the highlights.
For me, I think being chair has allowed me to go around the district in a different capacity,
visiting people, not just in my ward and I found that fascinating.
And I feel that perhaps whilst I've seen a number of businesses, a number of environmental projects,
a number of schools and a number of other bits and pieces, there is still more to do.
And it just amazes me how much there is going on in our district.
And you know, only the other day I was visiting talking to someone about an environmental sustainability scheme
and they said, Oh, have you been to this firm down there?
Have you been over there?
And it's just amazing how much we think we know, but actually we don't.
And that has really been one of the real benefits, I think, and privileges of being in this office.
Yes, we enjoy the entertainment, we enjoy going out and visiting the villages,
but it's actually just going out and seeing the everyday people and around the place.
Last week, I was out, literally not in West Lindsay, was in East Lindsay,
following the blood trail, if you wanted to say.
And what was interesting there was the issues that I had experienced in market raison,
issues that I know had been experienced in Cherry Willingham,
issues which I think have been experienced in other places in West Lindsay,
were actually matched throughout the county.
And you're able to put together a pattern of what is going on,
and I think that's one of the advantages and one of the good things that I really enjoyed
by being chairman and getting out and about.
I had intended to do many things, and not many have actually been succeeded,
so that's the way it goes.
On top of that, the world has been a bit up and down this year.
My world has been up and down on many levels.
It's been busy, there's been personal points of view sometimes,
it hasn't gone as well as I wanted it to, and you can get a bit tight.
The international world has got a bit tight, no doubt.
Locally we've got a bit tight in market raison and everything.
And it really does get to you sometimes when people are just going on and on
and on about something which really can get you bailed down.
And really in that came some words to me.
And I mentioned a Quaker last time in the meeting, we're out,
and I wish to mention another one tonight.
It's an American Quaker called John Greenly Whitaker, who wrote a poem
which is known as the Brewing of Soma.
Soma is basically some sort of narcotic in the drug,
which has been given to the Native Indians and so on,
and was causing all sorts of problems.
And like all these things, people became very despondent, very angry,
behaving badly and so on.
And he was a campaigner against this, so he wrote a poem.
We might know that poem, those of us, or those people who are aware of the Anglican
and Him book, and I did help the Methodist Him book as well, because the last part of it
is Dear Lord and Father of Mankind.
At the end, in the last verse, where they're talking about the situation,
the problems are summed up of what's going on.
Earthquake, wind, and fire.
All those very strong arguments, those very strong situations which are causing problems.
But he then says the truth comes from the still small voice of calm.
And I think by going around the district, I've seen that the individual bits of work
done by the lady who might make the tea, or even the gentleman who might make the tea.
The people who do the bowls clubs, putting out the green and that sort of thing,
those small little jobs, those small little calm jobs come together to actually show us
what a good community that we are in.
And I have to say, whilst I've always been proud of living in West Lindsay over the last
30 years, at least, and market raising, I do now see even more that the contributions made
by the individuals in their calm, approached way actually sign through and shows the truth
as we should be moving forward.
So with that, I think that summarises my year.
So now we want to the next gender item, which is to elect a chairman of the district council
for the current year 2024-2025.
We now move into a ceremonial element of the evening, and can I ask for nominations
for the position of Chairman of Council, Councillor Bailey?
Thank you.
I'd like to propose Councillor Boney, who's done a sterling job representing district council
at many civic events this last year, and given informative, amusing and educational updates
to council.
Thank you very much for your hard work.
Thank you.
Have we a seconder?
Councillor Wesley.
Thank you.
I'd like to second that motion and just also give my thanks to you for everything that
you've done this year.
Thank you.
I'd have to ask, are there any further nominations for the post of Chairman of the Council for
the Civic Year 24-25?
I've seen one, so therefore can we move forward to the vote?
All those in favour please show?
Are those against?
I think that means that the motion is carried.
So I'm delighted, I think, to advise Councillor Steara Bully is duly elected.
Well, this is where you would usually be the first to graduate my successor and hand over
the chain of office amid all swap seats.
I understand there isn't any music, because we won't be doing musical chairs after all.
So before I express my thanks to the Council for the honor of being elected again as your
president of the coming year, I will first make my declaration of acceptance of office.
I, Councillor Stephen Bunny, have been elected to the office of Chairman of Council hereby
declare that I take the said office upon myself and will duly and faithfully fulfil these
duties thereof according to the best of my judgement and ability.
I undertake to preserve the code which is expected of members of West Lindsay District Council.
And so, I keep it by the table.
Sit up there.
As I said earlier, I hope I should stand up and take a bow.
No more would you order.
As I said earlier, it has been a good experience.
I really enjoyed it and I've actually got a lot more as I look forward to doing this year
and hope to do so.
So during the next year, I will do as much as I can to meet people in the District throughout
Lincolnshire and beyond and will do what I can to promote the good name of West Lindsay
in all the duties of the Council.
I would usually propose a vote of thanks to the outgoing Chairman, but modesty would suggest
that that would possibly not the thing to do.
So as that, I will move on quickly to the next agenda item.
And that is to elect a Vice Chairman of the District Council for the 24/25 civic year.
Can I ask nominations for the position of their Vice Chairman of the Council?
Councillor can call us.
Thank you, Chair.
Firstly, I would like to nominate Councillor Bose and this is because it's constant hard
work throughout the Council year and the support that he's given yourself.
I think he's a valuable member and therefore I would like to nominate him.
Thank you.
I would certainly echo that.
It's been a great support and a source of advice.
Right, to do now need to seek a seconder, Councillor Lizzie Rawlings.
Did you want to say anything Lizzie or just?
Oh, do you have to say anything?
No, you don't have to.
Yeah, I'm really happy to support Matty.
I think he's worked very well with you and I know you work like a good team and you've
really been making good connections out across the District.
I think it's really important.
I'm really happy to support him in this position for another year.
Thank you.
Are there any further nominations?
Right then, we'll go straight to the vote.
All those in favour, please show.
Those against?
In that case, Councillor, Matt Bowles is duly elected.
Can I be the first to congratulate Councillor Bowles on his reappointment?
Well, there's no need for seat swapping presentation of office regalia.
Can I ask you, Councillor Bowles, to make your declaration of acceptance of office?
I, Matt Bowles, having been elected to the office of Vice-Chairman of the Council,
hereby declare that I take the said office upon myself and will duly and faithfully
fulfil the duties, therefore according to the best of my judgement and ability.
I undertake to observe the code which is expected of members of West Lindsay District Council.
As I'm going to the palace next week, we need to get some practice in.
So, a little round of applause, please.
Can I be the first to congratulate you again, Matthew, and if you would like to make
a sure to dress, please do.
Not really.
Want to expect in that?
No, just thank you, everybody, for the sport and I look forward to sporting you again, Stephen, for another year.
Thank you.
Again, I should be proposing a vote of thanks for our outgoing chairman,
but I don't propose we do that, but I still need some practice.
So, second time down, please.
Thank you, Matt, and I enjoy looking forward to what's going on in the future year.
Right, I now like to go to the chairman's chaplain.
I would like to move a rate of thanks to those who presided over prayers on my behalf during this term of office,
the Reverend David Cotton.
David, would you want to say anything at this stage?
When have you ever known me to be silent?
Chairman, it's been a great honour.
It was a great honour to be asked last year, having sat on those benches for 23 years and stood in on many occasions
as chairman's chaplain went for whatever reason the chaplain hasn't been able to be here.
It was a great honour to be asked to do it formally, and I have greatly enjoyed my time as your chaplain
and all the different bits and functions that we've done,
including the Civic Carol Service, which Claire and I were both virgins, having never put one together before.
So, we know what we're doing this year, so.
There is one thing I do know, sitting on those seats is a dumb sight cooler than it is sitting in this clobber in this one.
Thank you.
Well, I won't mention about that then.
Anyway, I would like to say that in common with everything else we've been doing,
we would like to vice-counsel that I've almost Reverend Cotton to continue his act as chaplain for the forthcoming year.
I hope that he doesn't feel able to accept that, because I do feel a fitting person.
There's no further fitting person than Reverend Cotton to lead the Civic Service,
which will be taking place during the year to commemorate the 50th anniversary of Westminster District Council.
So, Reverend Cotton, would you indicate?
Yes, all right then.
Thank you.
Again, I think we perhaps should give a little bit of applause.
Right, you don't need to stand that, this is a Civic bit here.
David, for all the work that you've got done, we would like to present you, and your moses.
OK, we've got files.
Thank you.
They will go down a lovely good other scene.
Sat mention has just been diagnosed with cancer.
Oh, I'm sorry for hearing that.
It's been a bit under the weather.
Well, you will give us a lot of work.
I will, yes.
Thank you.
Thank you.
That now concludes the Civic part of the proceedings for this evening.
Members are also invited to join me for tea coffee and cake after meeting.
We will now continue with the remainder of the meeting.
And those of you who didn't notice, the cake threw at the back there.
Right, we now need to elect a leader of the council.
The following nominations received in accordance with Article VI of the Constitution.
Nominee, Councillor Trebe Young.
Proposer, Councillor Stephen Bunny.
Seconder, Councillor Karen Carlos.
Can I ask those in favour?
And those against.
That is carried.
And Councillor Trebe Young is elected as leader of the Council of the Civic Year 24-25.
From the chair, can I be the first person to congratulate you, Councillor Wong, on your
And I would like to invite you to make a short speech, if you so wish.
Thank you, Chairman.
Council members, officers and residents of West Lindsay District Council, I am honoured
to stand before you today as the leader of this great council.
I express my great sincere gratitude to all those who have supported the administration
in this past year.
Changes in administration present challenges and opportunities.
And I sincerely thank all those who have worked positively with us to ensure that we focus
on new priorities whilst continuing to drive forward the existing work and projects of
the Council that it undertakes.
I am particularly proud that this Council is undertaking the work around the former RAF
scumpton site.
As an administration, we took a bold stance to challenge the government when it made a
sudden decision to use the site to house 2,000 asylum seekers.
The proposal has caused significant on these in our communities and also concern that the
£300 million project could have been scuppered and the heritage assets destroyed.
It was clear from the start of this project we have the potential to transform opportunities
in West Lindsay.
So it's very much worth fighting for.
We continue to strive for excellence in all that we do from delivering essential services
to fostering economic growth and development.
And we have worked hard and been committed to additional funding to ensure that the project
to build a new cinema and make improvements to Witten Gardens, the Baltic Mill and the
town centre stays on track.
We now see an improvements to the bus station and the impact of the townscape heritage
fund work creating a sense of quality.
We store in 20 of our heritage buildings in Gainesborough and other heritage projects
across the district.
Our work to introduce the weekly and teaks market in Gainesborough is proving popular
and we are seeing football in the market square in Gainesborough increase as well as
the empty shops gradually being filled.
We also see working with key partners is hugely important to achieve the best outcomes for
our communities.
Several parts of our district have been badly affected by flooding.
We continue to work with our partners of the Environment Agency and Lincoln County Council
to ensure that funding is dedicated to ensure that the devastating effects of flooding are
minimised going forward.
Connecting with our communities and the businesses that sit within them is key importance and
understanding those businesses and the challenges they face will continue to be a priority.
We have delivered £719,000 in grants to businesses and another £650,000 towards community grants
and further £65,000 to supporting village communities.
We have taken forward a new cultural strategy and we are in the process of employing a new
cultural development officer and a new sports development officer who will help drive participation
in the sport of arts and communities.
It is our aim that our communities who will form the bedrock of the activity events in
the district going forward and help communities become more active and vibrant.
Places where people feel supported, happy and they want to live.
We have employed two extra enforcement officers to ensure that the issue is important to our
communities I dealt with and we will continue to strive for excellence in all that we do,
listening to our communities, look towards making improvements in our service provision
where necessary.
Thank you, Chairman.
Thank you, Leader. I'd like to ask Councillor Fleetworth to make a comment.
Yes, it's just a very small comment.
Is there more microphone?
No, it's not Richard.
Chair, this is still where he's on.
Is my microphone working now? Yes.
It's just a small comment in that, yes, it's pleasing to hear that many of the projects
have continued to go forwards.
The administration has been in place for a year, but the administration is taking forward.
Certainly many of the projects that were in place at the beginning of that year.
In reality, I believe the officers of the Council should be applauded for their excellent work
and for their support to give them the level of support, which has brought many of these
projects forwards.
Certainly, Scampton, without Mr. Nelles, without Sally Grenrod Smith and all the senior officers,
certainly, Scampton would be in potentially a different environment, and, of course,
you must remember that the keys to many of the locks in Westminster have been unlocked
by the MP, so Edward Lee.
Thank you very much now.
Very quick.
Could I come back on that?
Right, I'll respond to this.
So, of course, Councillor Fleetworth is exactly right in terms of we have got a fantastic
officer team.
And one example of that, in the past week, we visited our F. Scampton, and that was a very
productive meeting on Thursday.
On Friday, we went down to Braintree, a group of delegation of members and officers.
And only today, Sally Grenrod Smith and the deputy leader went down to Westminster,
met with Minister Gove, and also, Minister Shapps.
And after we pulled back in terms of the first comments which came back, our officers did
a fantastic job down there for us again today.
We've got some excellent officers who continually work hard, and I share the thoughts in terms
of the leader of our position.
We've got an excellent staff group here in Westminster, and so will let it continue.
Thank you.
I think we would all agree that we are very lucky with our staff, and we wish them a little
thank you thing and wish them all luck as we go forward in the next year as go about our
I think when that move is on now, can I ask the leader of the Council for his nomination
for the position of deputy leader of the Council?
Thank you, Chairman.
I'd like to nominate Councillor Rawlings, who's done a fantastic job in this past year,
and I'd like to nominate her.
Thank you.
Do I have a seconder for that position?
Councillor pause.
Are there any further nominations?
Within the absence of any nominations, can I ask then for a vote?
All those in favour?
Yes, you can.
Those against?
But it's carried.
I therefore declare that Councillor Rawlings is elected as deputy leader of the Council
for this coming year, and I'd like to offer you my congratulations and invite you to make
a few comments.
Yes, thank you, Chairman, and thank you to everyone who has supported us as an administration.
I'd like to thank you to, in particular, the new Councillors that have hit the floor running
and got involved and been so brilliant in their communities and active in their communities,
and taking such a keen interest.
You really have been very committed, and that's very impressive.
Like the leader of the Opposition said, I had it in my notes here to say how supportive our
officers have been and what a great job they've been.
He's absolutely right that when there is a change of administration, very much, there's
a lot of the work he's already going along, and a lot of these big projects had already
started off.
But we have supported them, there has been a cost of living crisis which has posed challenges
for some of those projects in terms of some funding challenges, and we've stuck with it
and supported the work that had gone on on this Council up to now, and we're really pleased
that the officers have done a great job.
I mean, in particular, working closely and sitting closely with Sally Gringrod Smith over
the work with Scampton in the last few weeks has been very impressive and working together
to try and get things on that site so those projects can go ahead and going down there
today and seeing her present the case to Michael Gove and then present to Grant Shapps, you
know, was very impressive, and, you know, so Redwood pushing forward to get more gains
on that site to actually get the port of cabins removed from the runway so that we can really
start using that site to develop it into a space that is going to make a massive difference,
probably the biggest difference to our communities in the generation.
It will be phenomenal, the sort of work that can go on there.
So it has been a team effort, but I did congratulate Sally the other day when we went and had a
look around Scampton that she knows this project inside out, she articulates it well, she knows
all the planning, everything that's been required of it, it's very impressive, and I do really
genuinely appreciate the support we've had from all of our officers.
Whenever they need help, and I know lots of our team that have been new have been very
grateful to be able to go to officers who always deal with us with lots of patience and
understanding even if we're asking the same things over and over again.
So thank you all of you, thank you to those of us on the Council that have worked together
to make sure that as a new administration we're taking forward our new ideas, but also taking
for the very good projects that were coming through from the previous administration.
So thank you for that.
Thank you, Councillor Rawlings.
Anyone else want to say anything before we move on, in which case, if I can move on now
to item 9, page 4 to 10 of your agenda, this is the minutes of the previous meeting.
To confirm, sign as a correct record, the minutes of the meeting of full Council held
on April 8, 2024.
I will propose the minutes from the chair.
Do I have a seconder?
Thank you, Councillor Berry.
All those in favour, please show.
One against, thank you, okay, I'm not actually taking extensions, but I take the point, thank
Don't worry.
So anyway, that means if you weren't here, we could probably say it was unanimous then.
Okay, thank you very much.
Obviously, the motion was carried and I will sign the meetings minutes later on during
the meeting.
If I could move on to reports for determination.
The first one is on pages 11 to 19 of your paper's review of the allocation of seats
to political groups, committees, stroke, subcommittees.
I will introduce the report from the chair.
The report is self-explanatory.
The last review of the allocations took place in May 2023, following the out district elections.
This review is born from the Council's commitment to its constitution to each and in meeting
review the allocation of seats to political groups in accordance with the political balance
No changes, which would affect political balance, have been made to the group since the last
review in May 2023.
However, the linker to independent group have been given due notice of a change to their
group leader, as detailed at 1.4 of the report.
Council are not required to vote on this matter and are simply asked to note it.
Having noted it, we shall move on.
Right, be pages 20 to 25 of your papers.
Units of committees for the Civic Years 24-25 are again introduced the report from the chair.
The Council annually appoints to its committees, and this report sets out the wishes expressed
by groups based on their allocation.
Council of Freetwork, as opposition leader, you have a place unfilled on the overall and
scrutiny committee.
Would you like to make a nomination?
Not at this stage, but we may do later.
Thank you.
Council key, as linking to independent group leader, you have a place unfilled on the overview
and scrutiny committee.
Would you like to make a nomination?
Oh, sorry.
Oh, a place unplanning committee, my apologies.
Would you like to make a nomination?
No, thank you.
Thank you.
Councillor Young.
Thank you, Chairman.
From the administration group, Chairman, just one slight amendment, 2.8, page 25, overview
and scrutiny committee.
We'd like to make one slight amendment to take off Councillor Maggy, and replace that
member with Councillor Bannett.
If I could be noted, thank you.
Thank you.
Now, as I understand it, this is not a true amendment, it's in the gift of the leader
of the group to make that decision, and therefore we go forward.
So I have now got a recommendation to change that particular committee.
Have I got someone who is prepared to propose the paper, sorry, second the paper?
So, can I ask Councillor Fleetwood?
Can I just speak to that, in that we have a political balance within the different committees,
and I'm at this meeting and I have a little surprise with me in that Councillor Janet
Maggy is sitting not too distant from me.
I wonder, because the committees are politically balanced, are these statistics correct with
regard to seats, with regard to the allocation for the various committees or not?
A fair question, can I ask for advice from the monitoring officer on that, please?
Thank you.
We are aware of recent developments that have happened today, actually, that may impact
upon the political balance of the Council.
So what we will do is we will take this into regard and we will bring a paper to the next
Council meeting, updating the political balance of the organisation, thank you.
Thank you for those positive comments.
Thank you very much for that question, because I think that satisfies a lot of people's
So, come on and go back.
I have proposed the paper, have I got a second to it, Councillor here at Canne, I'd like
to then ask all those in favour of taking it forward with that one change bearing in
mind, of course, that there could be alterations in June.
So, all those in favour?
Those against, in case the nation is carried.
Moving on to the next item, this is on pages 26 to 31 of your papers, the appointment of
the committee chairman and vice chairman for the 24/25 civic year and to agree the normal
commencement time for each committee.
I will again introduce a report from the chair, the report is self-explanatory and having
reappointed the committees, this report seeks to appoint chairman and vice chairman to each
and agree the start times.
Thank you.
Are there any further nominations for these positions, Councillor Young?
Thank you, Chairman.
So, again, one slight amendment from the administration group for the appointment of
the vice chair on overview and scrutiny, we'd like to replace Councillor Mcgee with Councillor
Can I just check with the monitoring officer, does that need us to alter anything or can
we just take that as red?
I'm sorry.
Thank you, Chairman.
If there are no other nominations, it is within the gift of the leader.
Thank you.
Thank you.
In that case, if there's no further nominations for this paper bearing in mind that we could
well be revisiting in June, can I ask those to vote, say, Councillor prewood?
Again, it's probably a little bit of administration, I don't know.
Looking through the various positions of Chairman and Vice Chairman of Committees, I note that
there are some additional Vice Chairman of Committees in different places.
I'm not aware whether we have a budget for various positions and I don't know if the
view of the administration or the leader is that if you have two Vice Chairman in a position
whether the allowance would be shared between the two Vice Chairman or if it's perceived
that they would both receive a full Vice Chairman's allowance and what that might make to the
budget, I don't know if anybody can advise me on that one.
Thank you.
Sorry for rushing that one.
Leader, have you got any comments on it?
All the monitoring, I'm sorry.
Thank you.
Just to clarify, in the financial implications section of the report, it does say that increasing
the Vice Chairman's ships on the policy and resources committee has had no impact on the
budget at this stage as the allowance will be shared.
It will be shared and then obviously any changes to any remuneration is a matter for the remuneration
Thank you.
Thank you for that.
There's only further comments on the Vice Chairs and chairs before we go to the vote.
Right, in that case, having proposed it, have I got a seconder, I think was Paul Hartkahn,
so can we go on to say then, all those in favour?
The motion is therefore carried with the adjustment of the Vice Chair of Overview and Scrutchen.
Right, so we can now move on to the next item, which is the revision to the appointments
of outside bodies.
These are outlined on page 32, 38 of your papers.
I will again introduce the report from the Chair.
I don't propose to take members through it.
The full list of outside bodies is appended for information.
I will move from the Chair, the recommendation from the Chair, do I have a seconder?
Councillor Young.
Chair, I'd just like to make a couple of amendments if I could please.
So the Health Scrutcheny Committee for Lincolnshire, currently the member is Councillor Jeanette
McGee with the Reserve of Councillor Moira Westerly.
I'd like to change that to Councillor Moira Westerly being the member and the Reserve
being Councillor Linda Malali.
On the Housing Health Care and Delivery Group, which normally that is the Chair of Prosperous
Communities, currently it's Councillor Jeanette McGee.
We'd like to revert that back to the Chair of Prosperous.
And then finally, the Lincoln Dailaride, which is currently Councillor McGee, we'd like
to replace that position with Councillor Volum.
Thank you.
That is an amendment, isn't it?
So have I got a seconder for those?
Thank you, Councillor HOWARD.
Now, does anyone wish to debate that amendment?
Thank you.
So if I could then suggest now, if I've got this right, that we have to vote on the amendment.
So all those in favour of the amendment as put forward by the Leader.
All those in favour, okay, those against.
So the amendment is carried, do we need to now discuss the, to do the full suspension?
So can we now go back with the substantive motion with, as amended by the last votes?
So all those in favour?
Anything against, thank you, so the motion now has been carried.
So we move on to E, which is pages 39 to 55.
I haven't bought my hat today, so I can't change it, but I shall be presenting this report
wearing my other hat as Chairman of the Governance and Audit Committee.
The annual report from the Monitoring Officer aims to provide an overview of governance
The Governance and Audit Committee consider this report on 16th April and we have recommended
the report to Council.
The report has historically been accompanied by the annual review of the Constitution, including
any proposed amendments to the financial and contract procedure rules.
An alternative approach has been taken for 2023 review period.
This report provides members with details of that approach and the anticipated timeline
for the outcome to be reported to the Audit Committee and ultimately Council.
Finally, the report seeks approval of a number of appointments to lay positions.
I shall remove all of the recommendations from the Chair, an open matter for debate
and any questions.
Councillor Dobby.
Yeah, I can get on now.
Yeah, I'd like to go and second this report as Vice Chair of Governance and Audit Committee
and also recommend all the new appointments we have put on from members from the lay community.
Thank you.
Have we got any other comments?
Well, before we go to the vote, I would just like to say that I was part of the interviewing
panel for the lay members, and I have to say it was really a most amazing morning.
The very good interviews, all the candidates came across very strongly and very keen to
support West Lindsay and the way that our Council works, and I think we're extremely
lucky to have them appointed, assuming we do appoint them that is, so all those in favour?
Anyone against?
I think that's unanimous, so that is carried.
Thank you for preparing the report, Lisa.
So I now move on to the item F, the overview and scrutiny annual report, 2023-24, pages
56-79 of your papers.
Can I invite Councillor Paul Herrick-Canne as the chairman of the overview and scrutiny
committee to present the report?
Thank you, Chairman.
I'm pleased to say that the overview and scrutiny committee has worked very well together this
past year, and I look forward to the continued success as this new civic year begins.
We have received presentations from several outside bodies, including the return of everyone
active, inspector head from Lincolnshire Police, and a very informative session from
racial stamp of Lincolnshire County Council regarding the continued success of the purple
lid it bins.
The committee was again involved in the review of the progress and delivery measure set.
Our policy committee colleagues will appreciate the importance of these measures when it comes
to reviewing the Council's performance, and of course, there has been the continuation
of the performance improvement plans, which were implemented under the guidance of overview
and scrutiny committee back in 2022.
On a different note, I would like to highlight the excellent scrutiny training we receive
from Bethany Evans, governance, training, and consultation limited.
I know many of us have attended several, if not all, of Bethany and Jill sessions, and
certainly overview and scrutiny members found the session invaluable.
As a training aide, our officers also developed the ONS Handbook, which you have a copy of
in these papers, something that I know we have all referred back to over the year.
Colleagues will also see that the operating methodology is included with this report.
Bethany had many good things to say about this document, and as we do every year, we will
ensure it is reviewed and renewed at our first meeting of the Civic Year.
Finally, I would like to extend my thanks to everyone involved in the committee, both
members and officers, and of course, those we have welcomed to present from outside of
the Council. I would like to move, Mr Chairman, the written recommendation, that this annual
report be received by members. Thank you.
Thank you.
I would like to open the matter up for debate.
Councillor Rokway.
Chairman, just a point of clarification, just for my own understanding, please, an excellent
report. I mean, thank you ever so much. On page 73, it talks about pre-scrutiny items,
and I'm not entirely clear why we're only limited to four pre-scrutiny items per year.
This is not a criticism. I'm sure there's very good reason for it. But it does, you
know, we do pre-scrutiny decisions, sorry, pre-scrutiny can be extremely important and
very helpful to the administration at times when there are difficult decisions. So I
just wonder, why is it for a year? And if there were a situation to arise when more were
needed, is there any facility for that? So that's all it is. It's from my understanding,
Thank you, Councillor Rokway. I do believe it was too previously when I first joined the
Council, and it's been doubled, but I don't know the answer to your question, so I look
forward to hearing it.
No, it's a long time since I've looked after the committee, I'm looking at my colleague,
Mrs Snow in the background. It is an arbitrary number, like Chairman has said, that has increased.
It was a way of managing the work plan. Now this committee have a lot of work they have
to do, and we were finding sometimes that there wasn't enough. They reviewed their terms
of reference and their methodology every year. So if there was a genuine desire from the
committee, but it is in an effort to manage the work plan and keep some focus, but it
can be changed and amended.
Thank you. Do you want to say something, a quick question?
I would just add to that, that obviously as a Fourth Option Council, we don't have to
have an overview and scrutiny committee, because the scrutiny should take place within the
committees themselves. So it's something that we have in there to allow other unscrews
to challenge some of the decisions, and you'll see it's pre-decision scrutiny, so it's about
calling that in from the Forward Plan before it goes to the formal committee, so that they
can then help and support that committee with that decision-making. So it doesn't need
to exist. It does be by our choice, by your choice as members, and therefore we manage
the workload in that way.
Thank you.
Thank you. Do you want to have a seconder for that paper? Thank you, Councillor, to take
it up for you. So, Councillor Doulton, the W.
Yeah, if everyone probably knows what I'm going to go and ask about, I've been asking
you about it for the whole year, overview and scrutiny. There was two grants for changing
places that the last administration missed out. There has been a substantial amount of money
that has been invested into this community, and yet we're still not looking like we're
going to go and have a changing place for the most disadvantaged people in the community.
I would like this to come up to the overview and scrutiny committee sometime this year
for it to be discussed. Thank you.
Thank you. Your comments are noted, and I'm sure the officer and the members of the committee
will react accordingly. We've had a proposal. We've had a seconder. Anybody else wish to
comment? In which case, can I ask all those in favour of accepting the report? I'm looking
around the room. I believe that to be unanimous. Thank you.
That is now towards the end of the meeting, but I would just reflect that in 1972, see,
I'm not that old, I was about to start my A-levels at school, and for some reason did
some paper, I think it was politics, economics and representatives of government or something
like that, and that then big thing, or one of the big bits of legislation which had just
been passed, was the 1972 Local Government Act, which is in 1974, enacted and set up
a whole series of councils and got rid of some, and it is that act which of course brought
with liberty into fruition. That means that the council, as we heard earlier, is 50 years.
This is the 50th year of that. So during the year, there will be a number of celebratory
events, a civic service, and one or two other events, which will be for members of the council,
staff and residents to celebrate Western Ireland's visit first, 50 years, and hopefully one for
another 50 at least. So we will look forward to seeing you at those events.
Can I please remind you that there is tea, coffee and night bites at the back? So with
that I would like to formally close the meeting.
Thank you.