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Cabinet - Tuesday, 25 June 2024 10.00 am

June 25, 2024 View on council website Watch video of meeting
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The Conwy Council Cabinet meeting on 25 June 2024 focused on addressing the urgent issues related to the new waste model rollout, the adoption of the refreshed climate change and nature strategy, the long-term plan for Rhyl, and the Council's performance self-assessment. The meeting also reviewed the final revenue outturn position for the financial year 2023-24.

Waste Model Rollout

The meeting began with an urgent discussion on the implementation of the new waste model. Councillor Jason McClellan issued an apology to residents affected by delays in waste collection and emphasized the need for a significant increase in the pace of improvement. He assured that a full scrutiny and inquiry into the rollout would commence on 8 July 2024. Councillor Barry Miller echoed the apology and highlighted the operational challenges faced, including the need for more resources and better communication with residents. Councillor Hugh Irving and other members raised concerns about the impact on rural areas and the need for clear action plans.

Climate Change and Nature Strategy

The Cabinet reviewed the refreshed Climate Change and Nature Strategy, which aims to make the Council net carbon zero by 2030 and improve biodiversity. Councillor Barry Miller presented the strategy, noting the progress made since 2019 and the challenges ahead. The strategy includes new sections on reducing emissions, increasing climate risk resilience, and nature recovery across Denbighshire. The Cabinet recommended the adoption of the strategy to the Council on 9 July 2024.

Long-Term Plan for Rhyl

The Cabinet discussed the long-term plan for Rhyl, part of the levelling up agenda. Councillor Jason McClellan and Tony Ward outlined the process of appointing Adam Roach as the chair of the new Rhyl board and the proposed membership of the board. The plan includes developing a 10-year vision and a three-year delivery plan by 1 November 2024. Councillor Joan Williams raised concerns about the transparency of the appointment process and the need for more representation from town and county councillors.

Council Performance Self-Assessment

The Cabinet reviewed the Council's Performance Self-Assessment for 2023-24. Helen Vaughan Evans and Emma Horan presented the report, highlighting the six improvement actions identified and the challenges faced due to budget constraints. Councillor Julie Matthews and other members emphasized the importance of acknowledging both successes and areas needing improvement. The Cabinet also discussed the draft scope for the panel performance assessment, which will be conducted by the WLGA in September 2024.

Finance Report

The final item was the Finance Report, presented by Rhianne, the deputy section 151 officer. The report detailed the final revenue outturn position for 2023-24, showing an overall overspend of £676,000, which was funded from the budget mitigation reserve. The report also highlighted the financial pressures in children's services and adult social care and the need for ongoing budget control measures.

The meeting concluded with the approval of the forward work programme and a reminder of the importance of attending budget workshops to better understand and address the financial challenges faced by the Council.