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Planning (Major Applications) Sub-Committee - Tuesday 25th June, 2024 6.30 pm

June 25, 2024 View on council website  Watch video of meeting
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The Planning (Major Applications) Sub-Committee met and approved three significant planning applications for development at 35-37 Lincoln's Inn Fields, 2-4 Dean Street and 7 Soho Square, and 27 Savile Row. The applications were all for large scale developments with a variety of uses.

27 Savile Row, London

The application to demolish the former West End Central police station and redevelop the site as offices, a restaurant, and a flexible workspace was approved, subject to conditions and referral to the Mayor of London.

The redevelopment at 27 Savile Row will see the existing building replaced with a much larger structure. The new building will be eight storeys tall with two basement levels.

The application attracted representations from a number of interested parties, including local businesses Anderson & Sheppard and Richard James, who argued in favour of the development. They argued that the development would improve the public realm at street level, and create jobs.

The Savile Row Bespoke Association also made representations in favour of the application. They said:

We believe that the proposed development at 27 Savile Row represents a unique opportunity to enhance and revitalise this iconic street.

The application was approved, but some councillors expressed reservations about the impact of the development on the character of the area.

2-4 Dean Street and 7 Soho Square

The application to redevelop this site in Soho was approved unanimously, subject to conditions and the signing of a S106 legal agreement.

The redevelopment will involve the demolition of the existing buildings and the construction of a new eight-storey building with a basement. The new building will be for a mixture of uses, but principally offices.

A number of representations were made about the application. The Soho Society, a local amenity group, objected to the scheme, arguing that the loss of retail units on the site would damage the local economy.

This part [of Soho] is identified as a ‘core retail area’ within Westminster’s own planning policies, because it is essential to Soho’s vitality.

The Society also raised concerns about the loss of light to neighbouring properties.

The applicant argued that the development would create jobs, and provide much needed office space.

The application was approved, but a number of conditions were attached to the permission, including the requirement for the developer to provide affordable workspace.

35-37 Lincoln's Inn Fields

The application to partially demolish and extend the existing building, for use as a non-residential educational establishment was approved, subject to conditions and the signing of a S106 legal agreement.

The development, by the London School of Economics and Political Science, will see the existing building at 35-37 Lincoln's Inn Fields extended to the rear, and a new roof added. The LSE argued that:

the proposals represent a high-quality design solution

Responding to concerns about the impact of the development on the setting of the nearby Grade I listed building, the LSE argued that:

the proposals would have less than substantial harm upon the setting of the listed buildings

The application was approved, with the committee agreeing that the public benefits of the scheme outweighed any harm to the setting of nearby heritage assets.