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Cabinet - Tuesday, 25th June, 2024 6.00 pm

June 25, 2024 View on council website  Watch video of meeting  Watch video of meeting
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The Cabinet of Thanet Council met on 25 June 2024 to discuss various significant issues, including the adoption of anti-idling legislation, a new policy for property risks and compliance, updates to housing compliance policies, maintenance dredging at the Port of Ramsgate, the operator model for the Theatre Royal Margate, and governance arrangements for the long-term plans for towns.

Adoption and Implementation of Anti-Idling Legislation

The Cabinet approved the implementation and enforcement of anti-idling provisions as per the Road Traffic (Vehicle Emissions) (Fixed Penalty) (England) Regulations 2002. This decision allows enforcement officers to issue Fixed Penalty Notices (FPNs) to drivers who ignore warnings about idling. The focus will be on education and raising public awareness, particularly around schools within Air Quality Management Areas (AQMAs). Despite improvements in air quality across Thanet, a precautionary AQMA was declared in Ramsgate last June, and anti-idling enforcement is part of the action plan to maintain compliance with national air quality objectives.

Councillor Will Scobie emphasised the importance of this legislation, stating, This is about changing behaviours and protecting public health, especially for our children.

New Policy for Property Risks & Compliance

The Cabinet approved a new Property Risk and Compliance Policy aimed at centralising and clarifying responsibilities for managing the Council’s operational properties. The new policy will ensure uniform compliance across council assets by having the Property Team handle compliance testing and reporting, while the Facilities Team will manage remedial actions. Councillor Will Scobie highlighted the need for this policy to address varying levels of compliance under the current decentralised system.

Approval of Reviewed Housing Compliance Policies

The Cabinet adopted updates to five housing compliance policies: Gas Safety, Electrical Safety, Passenger Lifts, Water Hygiene, and Asbestos. These updates aim to remove repetition, ensure alignment with current legislation, and streamline reporting processes. The policies reflect the Council’s improved compliance position since transitioning in-house from East Kent Housing in October 2020. Councillor Everitt noted that the changes would reduce redundant reporting while maintaining high-level oversight and immediate action on any compliance concerns.

Port of Ramsgate - Maintenance Dredging

The Cabinet approved a key decision to undertake a single dredging campaign at the Port of Ramsgate, with an estimated value of £362,000. The dredging will be conducted by marine contractor Van Oord under an existing term contract. The total value of the 2024/25 dredging plan is £477,000, necessitating a one-off General Fund revenue budget virement to cover the shortfall. The dredging will focus on critical areas such as the port turning circle and harbour entrance, using hydrodynamic dredging to mobilise sediments. Environmental monitoring will be conducted to mitigate adverse effects on nearby biodiversity-rich sites.

Theatre Royal Margate - Operator Model

The Cabinet agreed to set up a new charitable trust to operate the Theatre Royal Margate, positioning the Council to secure up to £7.5 million in external funding. This includes £2.2 million from the Margate Town Deal and potential funding from the National Lottery Heritage Fund and Arts Council. The new trust will manage the theatre without ongoing revenue subsidy from the Council, aligning with the Council’s corporate priority for growth and regeneration. Councillor Duckworth highlighted the community support for this vision, with 19,000 people engaged in the planning process.

Long Term Plan for Towns - Governance Arrangements

The Cabinet discussed governance arrangements for managing up to £20 million in project funding for Ramsgate through the Government's Long Term Plan for Towns Programme. The proposals build on the existing Regeneration Partnership Board arrangements, adding roles for Ramsgate representatives and creating a Vice Chair role. The Board will operate both strategically and as a decision-making body for the Ramsgate programme. The Council aims to empower Ramsgate representatives to take full control of the programme for the benefit of local residents and businesses.

Councillor Everitt emphasised the importance of community-led governance, stating, Our goal is to ensure that those with an interest in Ramsgate are at the forefront of decision-making for the Long Term Plan for Towns programme.

For more details, you can refer to the Minutes of the meeting.
