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West Devon Overview and Scrutiny Committee - Tuesday, 25th June, 2024 2.00 pm
June 25, 2024 View on council websiteSummary
The West Devon Overview and Scrutiny Committee's meeting on Tuesday 25 June 2024 was due to include updates about the council's performance and resources and about customer services. The committee was also scheduled to receive a verbal update from a Wildlife Warden, and to agree their annual work programme.
Performance and Resources
The committee was scheduled to receive a report on progress against West Devon Council's Council Plan 2024-2028.
The report, by Neil Hawke, Assistant Director at West Devon Borough Council, explained that:
This single theme reporting compliments the overall reporting on progress which will be considered by the Hub Committee within the Integrated Performance Management report.
The report included progress updates against planned actions in 4 areas, each introduced with a 'Primary Aim':
Primary Aim 1 - Implement the Council’s Organisational Development Plan to support our staff
The council reported that they were generally seeing a good level of applications for most roles, and were able to make appointments. However, it was also reported that recruitment was still challenging in some senior technical roles, in particular in Planning and Assets.
Staff Survey
The report noted that a staff survey was carried out in October 2023 which demonstrated a positive direction of travel for the Councils
. A further staff survey was scheduled for Autumn 2024.
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion
The report noted that the Senior Leadership Team have had training on strategic equality and diversity considerations, and that a staff forum was developing an outline training plan for the Council.
The council was scheduled to report that they continue to promote apprenticeships and ensure that they maximise the use of the apprenticeship levy. The report noted that West Devon's contribution to the levy is around £640 per month, and that two employees are currently undertaking apprenticeships, with another 19 scheduled to commence in the next 18 months.
Primary Aim 2 – Manage the Council’s finances well
The committee was scheduled to be told that work was continuing to lobby central government, alongside the Rural Services Network, for fairer funding for rural services. The report noted that:
The Government may issue a Technical Briefing on the key aspects of the Finance Settlement by Summer 2024.
The report noted that the council had responded to the government consultation on the Finance Settlement for 2024/25 in January 2024, and that all-member briefings on financial matters had taken place in January 2024. A further all-member briefing was scheduled for September 2024, to consider the Medium Term Financial Strategy (MTFS) for 2025/26 onwards.
Primary Aim 3 – Guarantee efficiency in service delivery by managing performance
The committee was scheduled to be told that service reviews for Grounds Maintenance, Localities and Property Services have all commenced.
The council was also scheduled to report that a draft of proposed new Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)1 had been considered by the committee at their meeting on 23 April 2024, and that it was agreed at that meeting that a Task and Finish Group be formed to further consider them. A meeting of the Task and Finish group was held on 28 May 2024, and revised KPIs were scheduled to be presented to the committee for consideration.
The council was also scheduled to report that the implementation of their new Planning system has gone well, and that the focus is now on implementing the Land Charges modules.
Primary Aim 4 – Council buildings and land that meet our future needs
The council planned to tell the committee that work to refresh the council's Asset Management Strategy was delayed by the recruitment process for the Head of Land and Property role. The report noted that:
The Council’s investment properties are managed according to the Regeneration and Investment Policy, which remains current and was last reviewed by the Council in March 2022. A report to the Regeneration and Investment committee to provide an update on the portfolio is planned in July 2024.
Customer Services
The committee was scheduled to be told that the 'Who Does What' leaflet had been updated, and printed copies were available. The report, by Neil Hawke, Assistant Director at West Devon Borough Council, explained the reasoning behind the decision to print the leaflets:
A printed batch is available in West Devon for the Community Development Team to take to events as required.
The report noted that the council had developed a draft customer charter.
The council was also due to report that around 20% of users of the council's online processes leave feedback, that satisfaction is high and increasing, and that updates to processes happen swiftly when feedback offers useful ideas.
The report noted that that signage at Kilworthy Park reception area had been reviewed, and a plan was in place for where signage should change and how.
The council was also scheduled to report that a programme of outreach for the summer was in place, and that they would implement a system to capture levels of engagement and key themes arising from that outreach.
Wildlife Warden
The committee were scheduled to receive a verbal update from a Wildlife Warden.
Work Programme
The committee was due to agree its annual work programme, which included proposed dates for thematic updates on each area of the council's work.
Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) are a set of quantifiable measurements used to gauge a company's overall long-term performance. ↩

- Thematic Update Performance and Resources
- Appendix A - Performance and Resources Thematic Update June 2024
- Appendix A - Customer Experience Accessibility Thematic Update June 2024
- 202425 Committee Annual Work Programme
- Minutes of the Meeting held 23 April 24
- Public reports pack 25th-Jun-2024 14.00 West Devon Overview and Scrutiny Committee reports pack
- Agenda frontsheet 25th-Jun-2024 14.00 West Devon Overview and Scrutiny Committee agenda
- Public Forum Procedures
- Thematic Update Customer Experience Accessibility