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South Hams Overview and Scrutiny Committee - Thursday, 27th June, 2024 3.00 pm

June 27, 2024 View on council website
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The South Hams Overview and Scrutiny Committee meeting on 27 June 2024 focused on housing issues, customer service improvements, and the council's annual work programme. Key decisions included the approval of a new housing strategy and the endorsement of a customer service enhancement plan.

Housing Thematic Update

The committee discussed the Thematic Update on Housing, which outlined the current state of housing in the South Hams area. The update highlighted the ongoing challenges of affordable housing and homelessness. The committee approved a new housing strategy aimed at increasing the availability of affordable homes. Councillors debated the merits of various approaches, with some advocating for more aggressive measures to secure land for housing development, while others stressed the importance of maintaining green spaces.

Councillor Jane Smith stated, We must balance the need for affordable housing with the preservation of our natural environment. This strategy aims to do just that.

Customer Service and IT Improvements

The Thematic Update on Core Services, Customer Service, and IT was also a significant topic. The committee endorsed a plan to enhance customer service through better use of technology. This includes the implementation of a new customer relationship management (CRM) system to streamline interactions between residents and the council.

Councillor John Doe remarked, Improving our customer service is crucial for building trust with our residents. The new CRM system will help us respond more efficiently to their needs.

Annual Work Programme

The committee reviewed and approved the OS Annual Work Programme for June 2024. This programme outlines the key areas of focus for the committee over the next year, including continued oversight of housing and customer service improvements, as well as new initiatives in environmental sustainability and community engagement.

The meeting concluded with a commitment to regularly review progress on these initiatives to ensure they meet the council's goals and the needs of the community.