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Little Europe Supermarket, Alcohol & Gambling Licensing Sub-Committee - Friday 28th June 2024 12.00 pm
June 28, 2024 View on council websiteSummary
The Alcohol & Gambling Licensing Sub-Committee of West Northamptonshire Council met to discuss the review of the premises licence for Little Europe, located at 10 Wellington Place, Barrack Road, Northampton NN1 3RQ. The committee decided to impose additional conditions on the licence following concerns raised by local residents and authorities.
Review of Little Europe Premises Licence
The primary focus of the meeting was the review of the premises licence for Little Europe, an off-licence store. The review was prompted by multiple complaints from local residents and reports from Northamptonshire Police regarding anti-social behaviour and public nuisance linked to the premises.
Concerns Raised
Residents and authorities expressed significant concerns about the impact of Little Europe on the local community. Issues highlighted included:
- Anti-Social Behaviour: Reports of loitering, public drinking, and disturbances in the vicinity of the store.
- Public Nuisance: Noise complaints and littering were frequently mentioned by local residents.
- Crime and Disorder: Northamptonshire Police provided evidence of increased criminal activity associated with the premises, including underage sales of alcohol.
One resident stated, The constant noise and disruption have made it unbearable to live in the area,
while a representative from Northamptonshire Police noted, There is a clear link between the premises and the rise in anti-social behaviour and crime.
Proposed Conditions
In response to these concerns, the committee reviewed several documents, including the Committee Report - Little Europe and the Proposed Conditions. The proposed conditions aimed to mitigate the negative impact of the premises on the local community. Key conditions included:
- Restricted Operating Hours: Limiting the hours during which alcohol can be sold.
- Enhanced Security Measures: Installation of CCTV cameras and hiring of security personnel during peak hours.
- Staff Training: Mandatory training for all staff on responsible alcohol sales and conflict management.
After deliberation, the committee decided to impose the proposed conditions on the premises licence of Little Europe. The decision was made to balance the needs of the business with the welfare of the local community. The committee emphasised the importance of compliance with these conditions to prevent further issues.
The full details of the decision and the conditions imposed can be found in the Public Reports Pack.
- Brian Sargeant
- Enam Haque
- Lizzy Bowen
- Mike Warren
- Rosie Humphreys
- Ed Bostock
- Eleanor Flannery
- James Chadwick
- Richard Woods
- Ryan Ikavnieks
- Agenda frontsheet 28th-Jun-2024 12.00 Alcohol Gambling Licensing Sub-Committee agenda
- Committee Report - Little Europe
- RE Little Europe 10 Wellington Place Barrack Road Northampton NN1 3RQ - Proposed conditions_Redac
- RE Little Europe 10 Wellington Place Barrack Road Northampton NN1 3RQ - Review_Redacted
- Statement Little Europe 09062024_Redacted
- Additional Material 28th-Jun-2024 12.00 Alcohol Gambling Licensing Sub-Committee
- Off-Licence Conditions
- Statement Little Europe 17062024_Redacted
- Public reports pack 28th-Jun-2024 12.00 Alcohol Gambling Licensing Sub-Committee reports pack