Licensing Panel - Tuesday 25th June 2024 1.00 pm

June 25, 2024 View on council website  Watch video of meeting
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The Licensing Panel of Kirklees Council convened to discuss an application for the full variation of the premises licence for Le Sorelle, located at 5 Pickford Street, Millsbridge, Huddersfield. The panel heard from the applicant, Amy Lambert, and several objectors, including local residents and representatives from Environmental Health. The main points of contention were the proposed extension of alcohol sale hours and the removal of conditions restricting outdoor alcohol consumption.

Application for Full Variation of Le Sorelle Licence

The primary agenda item was the application for the full variation of the premises licence for Le Sorelle, a café located at 5 Pickford Street, Millsbridge, Huddersfield. The applicant, Amy Lambert, sought to extend the hours for the sale of alcohol from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. daily and to remove conditions that prohibited outdoor alcohol consumption.

Applicant's Arguments

Amy Lambert argued that the extended hours would provide flexibility for hosting events such as baby showers and parties, which often come with short notice. She noted that the current restriction to indoor alcohol consumption was limiting her business's potential, especially during good weather when patrons prefer to sit outside. Lambert emphasized that her clientele is generally well-behaved and that the business has not received any complaints during its temporary events.

Objectors' Concerns

Local residents, including Charles Carr and Lodrick Edwin, voiced strong objections to the application. They raised concerns about increased noise, parking issues, and the potential for anti-social behavior. Carr, who lives adjacent to the café, highlighted that the outdoor seating area overlooks his property, affecting his privacy and quality of life. He also mentioned that the café is located in a conservation area and questioned whether proper planning permissions had been obtained for recent modifications.

Environmental Health's Position

Kevin Allen from Kirklees Environmental Health initially objected to the outdoor alcohol consumption but later suggested a compromise. He proposed allowing outdoor alcohol consumption only until 2 p.m. to mitigate potential noise issues in the evening. Allen noted that no complaints had been received during the café's temporary events, which supported the argument for extending indoor alcohol sale hours.

Panel's Deliberation

The panel considered the various representations and the potential impact on the community. They discussed the possibility of a compromise, such as limiting outdoor alcohol consumption to earlier hours while allowing extended indoor hours. The panel also took into account the café's location in a residential and conservation area, which added complexity to the decision.

For further details, you can refer to the Agenda frontsheet and the Public reports pack.