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Cabinet - Wednesday 26 June 2024 10.00 am

June 26, 2024 View on council website Watch video of meeting Watch video of meeting
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The Cabinet of Barnsley Council discussed several key issues, including the adoption of updated policies for Berneslai Homes, the approval of a new joint waste plan, and the introduction of a litter and environmental crime plan. Decisions were made to endorse these policies and plans, reflecting the council's commitment to improving housing services, waste management, and environmental cleanliness.

Berneslai Homes Complaints Policy

The Cabinet reviewed and endorsed the updated Berneslai Homes Complaints Policy, which aligns with the Housing Ombudsman Code and was adopted on 1 April 2024. The policy aims to enhance the council's accountability as a landlord under regulatory consumer standards. The policy was developed in consultation with tenants to ensure it meets their needs and efficiently handles complaints. The Cabinet also supported the appointment of the portfolio holder for Regeneration and Culture as the member responsible for complaints under the new code requirements.

Berneslai Homes Repairs Policy

The Cabinet approved the Berneslai Homes Repairs Policy, a key action in the Regulation Ready Action Plan. This policy outlines the responsibilities of both Berneslai Homes and tenants, covering various types of repairs and maintenance for the council's 18,000 properties. The policy aims to ensure compliance with statutory and regulatory requirements, including those set by the Regulator of Social Housing. The Housing Revenue Account (HRA) budget has been realigned to focus on reducing the backlog of repairs.

South Yorkshire Joint Waste Plan

The Cabinet committed to an indicative budget and timeline for updating the South Yorkshire Joint Waste Plan in collaboration with other South Yorkshire authorities. The plan, last reviewed in 2012, requires an estimated £400,000 over three years, with Barnsley's contribution estimated at £7,200. The updated plan aims to be adopted by September 2027. Councillor James expressed strong support for the plan, emphasizing the importance of joint working and up-to-date waste planning policies.

Litter and Environmental Crime Plan

The Cabinet adopted a new Litter and Environmental Crime Plan for Barnsley, addressing issues such as fly-tipping and littering. The plan was developed through co-production with the community, involving volunteers, environmental groups, and council officers. It sets out five commitments: changing behaviours and education, strengthening community ownership and local partnerships, improving infrastructure and resources, enhancing the council's court service offer, and better enforcement.

Councillor Wendy Kane proposed revised penalty tariffs for environmental offences, including a £1,000 fine for larger fly-tipping offences, to be implemented from August 2024. The Cabinet approved these revised penalties, aiming to use enforcement options effectively as both a sanction and a deterrent.

Councillor Joe and Councillor Rob expressed strong support for the plan and the increased fines, highlighting the importance of community involvement and the need to recognize and celebrate the contributions of volunteers who help keep Barnsley clean and tidy.