Okay, so good, good, so we've got a couple of questions here.
Okay, so, good, good, good afternoon everyone on this meter schools forum, the first, the
first item of the agenda is to formally appoint a chair of this forum, as the vice chair has
been chairing the last few meetings, so forum members, is there any nomination for the chairmanship?
Members can also nominate themselves. I think Chris has been doing a good job if
he's still keen to do it. Okay, so Isabelle proposed Chris, so does
anyone second the second nomination? Yes, I would Lawrence.
Okay, so any other nominations or is that nomination approved, you're not actually approved?
Yeah, okay, so Chris is now, is now the chair of this forum and because of that the vice
chair position has now become vacant, so does anyone have a nomination for the vice chairship?
Anyone can, forum members can nominate themselves if they want this to indicate whether they're
willing to do it or not? No, just the vice, just the chair's position
filled? Okay, if that's the case then we'll postpone
the vice, the vice chair position, nominating the vice chair position to a later meeting,
so yeah, Chris, do you want to start continuing the meeting?
Okay, so you're asking me to be chair? Yeah, well you've been nominated chair, so
yeah. Thank you, all right, okay, right, okay, so
moving on, so first of all welcome to this online meeting of schools forum on today's
date, 27th of June, 2024. My name is Chris Tomes and I'll be chairing this meeting. This
meeting is being held virtually via Zoom and streamed live to the public on YouTube. I
remind all attendees that the participation of attendance of the meeting indicates consent
to the audio, I'll wait for the aeroplane to go over, participate in the meeting indicates
consent to the audio and video being streamed live and acknowledgement that after the meeting
it will continue to be available in the public domain. It is important that all participants
recognise that meeting remotely requires a different approach than meeting in person.
Firstly, it'd be useful if our panel members would introduce themselves so the public are
aware who is in this meeting and the role they are undertaking. I've introduced myself
as Chris Tomes, chair of the schools forum. Looking around, Clive, do you want to go next?
Sorry, Chris, trying to find mute. Clive Haynes, deputy director for education. Louise. Hi,
Louise Dutton, head of finance. I'm here to present agenda items five and seven. Sarah.
Sarah Ward, finance team at the North Shore. Helen. I think there's two Helens but I'll
go three Helens. Oh, gosh, that's confusing. Hi, I'm Helen Marl. I'm also part of the finance
team in Royal Borough of Windsor-Maidenhead. Isabelle. Isabelle Cook, I represent primary
academies. And Helen Huntley. And consultant working within the RBWM leading on the DBV
project this year. And Helen. Last Helen. Hi, Helen Hanam and I represent Manning Green
special school. Catherine. Catherine Page, head teacher of Oldfield primary school representing
maintained primary schools. Andrew. Hi, Andrew Morrison, head teacher at Fers Platt senior
representing secondary academies. Ben. Hello, I'm Ben Wright, school based planning and
capital programme manager at the Borough. And Kim. Hi, I'm Kim Mudley. I'm the new democratic
services officer shadowing Lawrence this afternoon. Thank you. Lawrence has already introduced
himself. So we go to Eddie. Any neighbourhood? Okay, so just moving on then. In terms that
I request the meeting participants do not speak unless I specifically invite you to
do so. For virtual participants, you can indicate your desire to speak by raising your hand
in zoom. This is then shown against the participant list in order of request. I will keep to that
order of speakers and there should be no jumping in. Once I have invited you to speak before
you do so please state your name and the capacity in which you are speaking if that is appropriate.
Once you have spoken on an item, please lower your hand using the same function. If you
decide to withdraw your request to speak at any time, please also lower your hand. I will
ask officers to speak at appropriate times. All participants should keep their microphone
muted at all times other than when they've been invited to speak. Experience tells us
that background noise can be very distracting and will adversely affect other speakers and
the progress of the meeting. If any individual attempts to disrupt the meeting, I'm able
to use my powers in the constitution to adjourn the meeting or have that individual removed
from the meeting. I would ask or would also like to address that as long as you continue
to hear the debate, you may take the opportunity to move away from your screen, stretch your
legs if you need a break. To ensure both participants in the zoom meeting and watching via YouTube
can follow the business, please ask everyone to use page numbers and paragraph numbers
when referring to any other item in the report. We will now start on agenda items. Do we have
any apologies for absence? Yes, Chas, apologies you see from Neil Dimble, Neil Dimble D from
Altwood and Sarah Cottle from Mainhead Nursery Federation. Thank you, thank you for that.
So moving on to the next item, any decorations? Sorry, sorry, sorry, one more, sorry, I've
got one more apology, Ben Bals from PVI, sorry. Okay, okay, moving on to the next item, decorations
of interest. Is there any decorations of interest related to the agenda items today? No? Okay,
let's move on to item number four, minutes of the previous meeting. We just want to confirm
the minutes from the previous meeting. Everyone happy with the minutes from the previous meeting?
Take that as read. So we'll move on. Is there any matters arising from the previous meeting
that are not already included in the agenda? So let's move on to item number five, dedicated
school grant update. So the form is to consider the report from Louise from A Team for Children.
So Louise, can I hand over to you to talk through this item? Thanks, Chris. Yeah, I'm
here to present agenda item number five, which starts on page five of the reports pack. There
are four recommendations that I will take you through as I go through the report. The
first one is just to update schools forum on the out term position for the financial
year 23/24. The next item is to update the forum on the budget setting for the financial
year 24/25. The next item will be an update on the de-delegated services, both the out
term position for 23/24 and the final allocations for 24/25. And then the final item which will
require schools forum approval is around the growth fund support for bulge classes protection
for the financial year 24/25. So the first item on the report is in section four of the
report pack, which is page 11. And that just details the out term position for the financial
year 23/24. I won't go through every single item, but just the overall kind of position
was we had a DSG allocation last year for 23/24 of 150 million.476 and with a net budget
of 74.916 million and the out term spend on that 74 million was 74.910 million. So that
gave an under spend of 5,900 pounds. So that has gone into offset the deficit balance that
has been carried forward from year on year and the deficit balance is detailed in section
4.5 of the report. And so carrying over from 22/23, we had a deficit balance of 1.106 million.
That's now reduced to 1.1 million pounds. And then on table four, page 13 of the report
just shows the detail of the school balances. So that is separate to the main DSG reserve.
So schools have their own ring fence budget and that gets held in its own reserve. So
this table just, oh no, sorry, the table in section, sorry, bear with me. I've just lost
table. Yeah, table four, sorry, on page 13 is the school's balances. And you can see
there in the end of 23, 22/23, we had a balance of 2.547 million pound. That increased very
slightly by up to 2.894 million. So there was an increase of 347,000. What we have done
this year, we've actually put appendees to this report. So appendees B and C gave a breakdown
of all the school's balances. So we've, appendix B shows the maintained school balances and
appendix C shows the academy balances. I just want to highlight the academy balances we
took from the DfE's benchmarking data. So it's not our own data. It's direct from the
DfE's benchmarking data. So that item is just for the school's form just to acknowledge
the position at the end of the financial year. Moving on to the next section, it's the settlement
for the 24/25 financial year. That's detailed in section six on page 13 and 14. And just
highlight of that, we had a settlement this year of 165.364 million pounds. That's an
increase of 9.437 million pounds from last financial year. A huge amount of that money
is actually sitting in the early years block. And the main reason for that is the introduction
of the new provision for the two-year-olds and the nine-month-old's provision. So the
actual settlement itself wasn't a great settlement. It looks better because of the early years,
the new offer in that area. Moving on to the next section is de-delegation. That can be
found in section seven, page 14 and 15. So the first part is the 23/24 out-term position.
There was an underspend of 115,000 across all the de-delegated budgets. What we have
done, we've moved that into a near mark reserve. And we've proposed that that stays in there
until we know the out-term position for 24/25. And then when we know what that position is,
we can be in a position to distribute that back to schools or retain it here at the borough
and carry it into future years. Table seven on the same page, page 15, just gives a breakdown
of what the rates and the total funding has been confirmed for the 24/25. I think at the
last forum, schools forum, agreed to these areas, but it was provisional rates at that
point, so now we've run the budget. These are now confirmed rates and actual budgets
for those. Moving on to the final section, that's section
eight of the report. We're bringing this item back. It was agreed in the November's forum,
an element of protection for schools that take bulge classes. And the agreement was
that schools or the bulge funding would protect schools for one year. And the reason we're
bringing this back, there's two reasons. One, at the meeting in November, as officers, we
felt the conversations leading up to the decision were actually different to what the decision
was. And also feeding back to schools who may be taking bulge classes has actually asked
us to come back to forum to ask them to reconsider the protection funding.
So at the moment we've got three options and they're detailed on table eight, page 16.
So they're the options that we propose as an LA. We're happy for schools forum to have
a conversation and either agree to one of those options or if they wish to come up with
some options themselves. So if I pause there and I'll open it up to the forum for discussion
or any questions. Okay. Are there any comments about that bulge
class protection that has been presented? When I asked the question around the decision
to come back, you said it, was it because the decision we made wasn't, they want us
to come back and reconsider or was it not, there wasn't a clarity on that decision?
I think the schools have asked us for you to reconsider. We're also asking for clarity
because the conversations in the forum when we played back the meeting indicated the forum
wanted to go with option B, but the actual decision was to go with option C. So we just
want clarity really and to reconsider from the schools point.
Okay. So as a forum we decided option B was the option, the preferred option that came
forward, but somehow that got miscommunicated into option C.
Yeah, the conversations leading assumed option B, but it was actually quite clear that the
final agreement was option C. But we weren't sure whether there's a bit of confusion around
what the actual agreement was. Anyone on the forum that wishes to make comment
about the option B or C going forward? Louise, can you remind us of what the two
options were? Yeah. So option A, so option A wasn't spoken
about much or agreed. Option A gave a phased four year protection starting at 85% going
down to 20% in year four, like on the fourth year. And then option B was a three year protection
starting at 90% phasing down to 40% protection. And then option C was only a one year protection
of at 95%. So that's 95% of where they're missing children up to their capacity of 30
years. I'm one of the people who spoke at the last
one because what we said is whilst they're creating bulge classes in the middle of Maidenhead,
there are lots of schools, the three schools I'm representing, are not full to capacity.
And we're providing so that we're preventing those schools getting income because we're
creating extra places internally or in the middle of Maidenhead. I understand from the
local authority, because they would be over the traveling distance for primary schools,
they would then have to fund transport. So I do understand the difficulty the local authorities
and for schools that are outlining schools, rural to Maidenhead central, protecting this
for a long time, impacts heavily on the school, you know, on the outlying schools. Is there
no ways we can sort of come to because we go from one year, three years to four years?
Is there no way we could come to like a two year? So at least it's given them because
if they've built up the numbers, they get their funding on the census from October.
So they could have increased significantly by October, after two years.
Yeah, we can you as a forum, you're able to come up with your own ideas, your own phasing,
if you wish to.
So, so just to clarify, so the bulge class would come in, the funding would go through
to them to get them through to the point where the census then will kick in to then provide
that money, which is probably why option C was the one that we agreed to. But however,
you're asking us to reconsider for clarity or reconsider because that wasn't necessarily
an accepted position.
A bit of both really, around clarity, as I said, because the discussions leading up to
the decision indicated the preferred option was B, and likewise schools that are potentially
needing to take or want or we want to take bulge classes as vast, if it can be reconsidered.
And we're hearing that that within there are places within schools that have spaces at
the moment that could could be used.
Ben might want to come in on this one. Yeah.
Sorry, Ben, you've got your hand up. So apologies. Yeah. Ben, do you want to take?
I'm happy to come in. I just noticed Catherine had her hand up first, so if you like it.
OK, thank you. Catherine, apologies.
No, that's OK, Chris. And actually, maybe Ben will comment on this. But I was just,
to build on what Isabel said, I'm aware that other, I'm central in Maidenhead and I'm just
aware that there are other Maidenhead primary schools that are not full. So I'm just a bit
intrigued around the numbers in terms of how many bulge classes there are. So in terms
of how many schools this is impacting. But Ben can probably answer that.
Over to Ben.
OK, thank you. So what we've done is at the last forum, the members considered a change
to the formula which allowed us to be generous to schools and add in a couple of places worth
of funding. And that was what was aimed at Maidenhead schools because at the present
we're short at places in years four, five and six. And we know that schools don't want
to take bulge classes halfway through the school for year four, five or six because
they won't fill. But what we still need is some mechanism of finding actual places for
those junior age groups in Maidenhead. So that's been agreed. This is about the bulge
classes and this is actually primarily aimed at Dutchett at the moment. And we've been
talking about a bulge class starting at reception, not going up into one of the other year groups
halfway through the school. And this is because there's a bulge in demand coming through in
Dutchett. Now, of course, we may well need bulge classes going forward in other parts
of the borough, but at the moment, I'm not looking at any reception bulge classes anywhere
other than Dutchett. Clearly, the decision the forum takes would set a precedent for
future bulge classes, but just to reassure Maidenhead primary that we're not looking
at additional places via a bulge class. We do, of course, still have a plan to bring
the Chiltern Road site back into use as a primary school as and when demand from all
the new housing in the centre of Maidenhead starts to generate pupils. But that's not
going to be before September twenty twenty six at the earliest. So the bulge class really
is for the moment just about Dutchett, not Maidenhead.
Is there some sort of caveat that could say that, you know, in terms of of the bulge funding
where there is where they're trying to say something along the lines where there is that
is an alternative provision locally available in terms of that. I'm not sure if I communicated
that quite right, Isabelle. So I agree with what Chris is saying. So Dutchett is a very
different scenario. There aren't other primary schools nearby where in Maidenhead, as was
pointed out by myself and Catherine, there are schools that aren't empty. So that's a
particular situation in the borough. But they're actually also an outlying area of the borough.
So can we say that it's done school by school, that we consider if there are places locally,
because if you're looking at four, five and six, that the transport is not going to be
many years that the borough will be funding. But if we agreeing for four or three years
funding, we funding for a long time for places that are available, we double funding. Well,
we're not double funding because those other schools aren't getting the funding and recreating
extra places.
Okay, so what I'm picking up is that, that we go forward with a recommendation of picking
up that the recommendation is B and that this will be case by case approach. Is that right,
Ben? Do you want to come back in there? You had your hand up.
Yes, yes, sorry. Thank you. Yes, so certainly the feedback we've had on the bold class is
that the current arrangements are not generous and that schools will not take a bold class
unless something along the lines of B is adopted. That's the feedback I've had from schools.
In terms of a case by case basis, I guess what we could do is come back to the form
if we feel there are more bold classes coming forward in the future. But as I said at the
moment, I'm only looking at that chat.
Okay, so we can review this year by year when we know what placements are looking like.
Yeah, okay. Is everyone happy to move forward then? So the proposal is option B and it is
for the case that's been presented this year and we'll make sure that this is presented
each year going forward if there are future bold classes coming through to be considered.
Are you happy with that as an outcome? Yeah, okay. Right, let's move, can I hand back to
Louise then to move forward?
That's it from me, so yeah, I'm happy that I've covered everything in that agenda item
Thank you, thank you. Okay, so moving on to the next item, which I'll go back to the agenda.
So delivering better value, okay, and is that from Clive?
It's actually Helen Hunter who will be speaking on this part.
Okay, thanks Chris. Is it possible for Lawrence to put the PowerPoint presentation up, please,
for everybody to look at?
Sure, thanks, just give me a second.
So just while Lawrence is doing that, my understanding from Clive is that there's no decision to
be made about this, it's really a report just about an update on that. Is that what it is,
Louise? I'm seeing Louise nod.
Yeah, that's correct. It's just an update for the forum.
Okay, so there are nine slides, but I'm going to go through it fairly quickly. So if we
could have the second, the second and the third slide are really just giving you the
context to this. So delivering better values is a DFE initiative, and we have been invited
to be a part of that. The second slide, please, Lawrence, if that's possible. We've been asked
to be a part of that because of our overspend on our high needs block. And what happened
with the second tranche to go through the delivering better values, our overspend wasn't
significant enough to warrant the safety valve programme. So during last year, there was
a huge auditing process. And I think a special thanks to Louise and her team, and David Griffiths
and his team, who spent an extraordinary amount of time putting this detail together. And
as a result of that, we were able to apply for a DBV grant of a million pounds. And I'm
delighted to say that we were successful in our application. Next slide, please. So as
a result of the scrutiny, I'm not going to go through that in any great detail, we have
three areas of focus, ordinary available provision in schools, which is really the support that's
in place in schools for children who do not have a plan. So it's universal support, really.
We were also, as a part of that, asked to look at some of the decisions we've made about
placement of children with plans and funding. And then there was a post 16 focus as a second
strand. Next slide, please. So we've been looking at this. This slide is all about the
ordinary available provision in schools. We have employed a company called Whole Education
Send. And so far, 17 schools have been involved in this very simple process of self-evaluation
of their ordinary available provision, and then action planning, with support from a
range of people that you can see on this slide there. As well as this process, which has
gone very well, we had a review of this yesterday. We've also been working with our Send Voices,
our parent carer forum, about the creation of resources, such as the creation of resources
made by families for families such as new to send, or demystifying send terminology.
So that's the ordinary available provision. Next slide, please. In addition to this, we've
been doing some deep dives into our decision making, and that has involved looking at the
children with permanent exclusions who have been, sorry, children with plans who have
been permanently excluded, and also the requests are being made for children who have what's
referred to as an ERSAA profile, Emotionally Related School Avoidance. And we've, as a
result of these deep dives, looking at a lot of data, we have come up with action plans,
and the DBV funding will be used at implementing these action plans. And we recently had a
very successful conference with all the, well, many of the head teachers of schools in RBWM,
how we can mitigate the risk of another child with a plan being permanently excluded. And
next term, we'll be looking at all placements in independent non-maintained special schools,
which are fee paying schools, which eat into our high needs block funding. Next slide,
please. We've also been looking at our post 16 provision, ordinary available provision,
because any out of borough placement for somebody post 16 tends to be very expensive as well.
And so we've been looking at that, and there's just an example of some of the things we have
been doing as a result of this. And we have been building some great relationships with
our four colleges, local colleges, which are part of the Windsor Forest College Group,
that's BCA in Maidenhead, Langley in Slough, as well as Windsor and Strode as well. So
we've put on various events for professionals, families, event is tomorrow. And in October,
we are having a PFA preparation for adulthood event for all young people in the borough
with plans. We've also been aligning this work with another grant that we received after
a successful bid by David Griffiths for the NDTI. Please don't ask me, I can't remember
what it stands for National Government. Anyhow. Next slide, please. Just something about so
what we've done all along, we have been ensuring that this 1 million pounds is being spent
to build capacity across our educational establishments. So that after we've spent this money, everybody
has benefited particularly, obviously, our young people with SEND have benefited from
the money that we have spent. And I think the next slide, please, Lawrence, shows how
we've there's just a few cogs. So if you could just press the three more cogs to come through.
So we've been looking at how these things fit together. Looking from our early providers
through to our post 16 providers as well. We've also been doing a little bit of work
on recognising that schools are saying we have an increasing cohort of young people
who are not what we are referring to is school ready, or ready for school and ready to learn.
And that's not just young people in reception, but it could be a year nine pupil, a 14 year
old, who for a range of reasons is not in the best place to learn. So that just demonstrates
how we're working across all these areas to improve the lives of children with SEND in
our borough. And the final slide just very briefly touches on some of the things that
I've already said. And these are some things which we have agreed will embed the sustainability,
which is looking at the school readiness, and also reflecting that so much of the work
in the early year setting impacts on how those young people succeed throughout their school
experience. So I hope that that's sufficient. I'm here to answer any questions. Helen, Em
and Clive and Katie and I met just before this meeting. And we have planned out that
coming 12 months and it's all going to be in budget. So that's good news. Thank you.
Any questions relating to this agenda item? Hello, thank you for presenting that to governance
to forum members today. We're going to move on to the next item, which is scheme for financing
schools I believe. The forum to consider the update from... Sorry, Clive's got his hand
up. Sorry, I was trying to find the hand up button before you moved on. I just wanted
forum members to sign page 32 of that report that Helen just went through the slides. And
that is the financial, the current financial position of the DBV spend currently. As Helen
said, we're on budget and the money will be spent in time. But forum need to know the
journey of that spend. So I just wanted to make that table aware to forum members. Okay,
thank you. So it's page 32. You can see it all documented there. Okay, so moving back
again, we go back onto the scheme for financing schools and I'm handing over to Louise again.
Thanks Chris. So yeah, the scheme for financing schools only affects maintained schools. Just
a bit of background, the DfE produce a national scheme for financing schools and then from
that we write our local one and annually the DfE update their scheme and so we update,
we have to update ours if there's a directive notification for us to do that. And in this
year's scheme there's been one directive from the DfE and that's on the supplementary information
that's provided. It's on page two. It just gives a detail there of what that directive
update was and it reads section 5.8 borrowing for schools first paragraph the introduction
of IFRS 16 for local authorities from the 1st of April 2024 ends the distinction between
operating and finance leases at maintained schools and in effect all leases will be classified
as finance leases for accounting purposes. Just to draw your attention, it's not actually
in section 5.8, it is in section 3.6 on page 21. So I'll get that scheme updated with that
detail there. What does that actually mean for us? To be honest it doesn't really mean
anything because at the moment schools have very few amount of finance leases and it's
just combining the two of them. At the moment you'd report whether it's an operating or
finance one where now you only have to report just the one set of reporting. There's no
real impact to schools on that. Okay thank you for that. Any questions on that? Is there
anything else you need to bring to our attention? No just that one update and then that will
be published and shared with all schools. Okay any further questions on that? No? Right
we're moving on to the next agenda item which is training session for forum members. So
it's I suppose this is around just scheduling an opportunity for training in terms of becoming
a forum member. I was at a BASH meeting, a secondary heads meeting this morning. We did
appeal for head teachers from academies coming forward because our representation from there
is not as many as we would like going forward. I just think in there is there someone leading
on this particular? I can do it Chris. So the membership currently if we look at the
membership we have three vacancies for head teachers in the academy section. We have one
vacancy for a head teacher in the maintain section. We have one governor vacancy and
I think that's in the academy section and we have a post 16-18 membership vacancy. With
forums agreement I think we would like to go out again to try and recruit and we started
it at BASH Chris as you mentioned it at BASH today but with the agreement forum I'd like
to go back out with emails to each sector trying to get those positions filled and then
hopefully at the next meeting we will have some new members. I'm not saying we're fillable
but we'll have some new members and maybe we can have a discussion about what training
you at the forum would like in order for us to bring that to the board with the new members
on it. I was asked a question this morning Clyde while you were there, whether a CEO
of a of a trust can sit on schools forum? Yes they can yeah CEO stroke head. We believe
we have one already and that would be fine. Yeah they would take up the position of a
head though. Yeah yeah that's right. Okay any other I said there's sort of talk about
a training session for members so taking that forward. I suppose what we need to do is wait
and see new people coming on board and then getting that training set up. Yeah okay any
other any other comments anyone wishes to make? Okay so that's the last item on the
agenda 1440 done well there. Okay have a nice and I thank everyone I thank the local authority
for their reports and I thank you for your continued support with schools forum through
the year. I do wish you a nice summer holiday when it does finally come to see us okay have
a good rest of your day. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thanks chair. Thank you.