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Health and Wellbeing Board - Tuesday, 21st May, 2024 2.00 pm

May 21, 2024 View on council website  Watch video of meeting or read trancript
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The meeting was primarily focused on public health initiatives and community support programs in Worcester. Key topics included a review of public health achievements, efforts to reduce smoking during pregnancy, and strategies to tackle loneliness and isolation.

The most significant topic was the Public Health Review for 2023-2024, presented by Lisa Macklin. The review highlighted several achievements, including the Stay Connected Pledge, the launch of the joint local health and well-being strategy, and the Integrated Care Partnership. Key outcomes included improvements in health visiting services, reduced smoking rates during pregnancy, and increased vaccination rates. The review also emphasized the importance of asset-based approaches, which focus on community strengths rather than deficits. Lisa Macklin noted that the public health team aims to combine professional services with community-led initiatives to achieve better health outcomes.

Another major topic was the partnership approach to reducing smoking in pregnancy, presented by Claire Mitchell and Hailey Darnell. They discussed the significant health risks associated with smoking during pregnancy and the financial implications. The presentation highlighted the success of the integrated antenatal and postnatal smoking services, which have led to a decrease in smoking rates at the point of delivery from 13.1% in 2019 to under 9% in 2023. The service offers one-to-one support and nicotine replacement therapy (NRT), and has recently included vaping as an option, which has significantly increased quit rates.

The meeting also covered the Tackling Loneliness and Isolation Action Plan, presented by Lucy Chick and Lucy Bird. The plan focuses on working in partnership, connecting people, and engaging communities to reduce loneliness. The Stay Connected Community Grant Program was highlighted as a successful initiative, funding various community projects aimed at reducing isolation. Lucy Bird shared a case study of a bereavement support project in Droitwich, which has had a positive impact on participants' mental health and well-being.

Other topics included the Better Care Fund update, where Simon Trickett requested the board's agreement to delegate the sign-off of the 2023-2024 Better Care Fund end-of-year template and the 2024-2025 Better Care Fund plan update to the Integrated Commissioning Executive Officers Group. This was agreed upon by the board.

The meeting concluded with a reminder of the next meeting date and a note on the upcoming autism training for board members.


Dr Sarah Raistrick NHS Herefordshire and Worcestershire Integrated Care Board
Simon Adams Managing Director, Healthwatch Worcestershire
Vic Allison Strategic Housing Authority
Mark Fitton People Directorate
Robert Mackie Herefordshire and Worcestershire Health and Care NHS Trust
Lisa McNally Director of Public Health
David Mehaffey NHS Herefordshire and Worcestershire Integrated Care Board
Gareth Morgan West Mercia Police
Jo Newton Worcestershire Acute Hospital Trust
Chris Roberts Citizens Advice Bromsgrove and Redditch
Tina Russell Worcestershire Children First
Simon Trickett NHS Herefordshire and Worcestershire Integrated Care Board
Dr Jonathan Wells Primary Care Network Clinical Director
Gary Woodman Executive Director, Worcestershire Local Enterprise Partnership
Kate Griffiths
Samantha Collison
Tanya Richardson
Lucy Chick
Hayley Durnall
Claire Mitchell
Profile image for Councillor Richard Morris
Councillor Richard Morris  Cabinet Member with Responsibility for Adult Social Care •  Conservative
Councillor Steve Mackay
Councillor Ian Hardiman
Councillor David Ross