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- Cover the costs of processing and summarizing council data
- Maintain and improve the service for residents
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The Heywood, Middleton and Rochdale Locality Board meeting on Tuesday, 25 June 2024, focused on several key health and social care issues, including additional stop smoking funding, the Local Care Organisation's end-of-year review and business plan, and budget monitoring reports. Decisions were made to approve the Local Care Organisation Business Plan and to allocate underspend funds to mitigate pressures in adult care placements.
Additional Stop Smoking Funding 2024/25 - 2028/29 / GM Make Smoking History Framework
The Board discussed a report from the Cabinet Member for Health and the Director of Public Health and Communities on the availability of additional stop smoking funding and the Greater Manchester Make Smoking History Framework. Concerns were raised about the prevalence of vaping among children, the lack of government guidance, and potential health risks. The Board resolved to note the report and schedule further consideration of smoking and vaping prevention in six months.
Local Care Organisation (LCO) End of Year Review
The Local Care Organisation (LCO) Independent Chair and Chief Officer presented the LCO's end-of-year review, highlighting key achievements and the positive impact of the Business Plan on residents. The LCO was commended for winning the Health Service Journal Award for Integrated Care Initiative of the Year.
The Board noted the report.
Local Care Organisation Business Plan
The Board approved the Local Care Organisation Business Plan for 2024/25, which aims to support improved outcomes for residents as defined within the Locality Plan. The importance of interconnectivity, efficiency, and demonstrating impact was emphasized.
HMR Locality Health Opening Budget Report 2024/25
The Interim Associate Director of Finance provided an update on the HMR Locality Health Budgets for 2024/25. NHS Greater Manchester is in a deficit position of over £200 million, requiring at least 5% savings or Cost Improvement Plans (CIP). The Board noted the report and requested an update at the next meeting.
Health and Social Care Pooled Budget Monitoring Report Quarter 4 2023/24
The Board reviewed the Health and Social Care pooled budgets for 2023/24, noting a £10.3 million overspend against local authority pooled budgets and a £1.0 million overspend in health locality budgets. The overspend was attributed to increased placement costs, Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Transport pressures, and increased prescribing costs. The Board noted the overspend position and the need for increased contributions from both the local authority and health.
Health and Social Care Better Care Fund Budget Monitoring Report Quarter 4 2023/24
The Board considered the Quarter 4 position for the Better Care Fund (BCF) for 2023/24. An overspend on Social Care Services and reablement carers was mitigated by an underspend against the equipment loan store. The Board approved the allocation of the underspend to fund Social Care Services and recommended carrying forward any unspent capital budgets to 2024/25.
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) Assessment
The Board approved the development of a commissioning process to support residents eligible for ADHD and ASD assessments, in collaboration with Bury and Oldham localities. This decision aims to provide a route for local residents to access necessary services and avoid increased costs and reduced oversight associated with the Right to Choose pathway.
Health Savings Requirements
The Board agreed to recommended changes related to health savings requirements for the locality, noting the financial impact during 2024/25 and 2025/26. A joint development session with the Local Care Organisation Board was scheduled to consider the financial position.
Children's Palliative and End of Life Services Issue Report May 2024
The Board noted the report on the commissioning of children's palliative and end-of-life out-of-hours support and scheduled a further report for a future meeting.
For more details, you can refer to the Minutes of the meeting and the Public reports pack.
- Agenda frontsheet 25th-Jun-2024 14.00 Heywood Middleton and Rochdale Locality Board agenda
- Public reports pack 25th-Jun-2024 14.00 Heywood Middleton and Rochdale Locality Board reports pack
- BCF EOY Report 23-24 V1.0 14.06.24
- Minutes 28052024 Heywood Middleton and Rochdale Locality Board minutes
- Pooled Fund Opening Budget 24-25
- PAPER 4.2 CCPL Assurance report June 2024
- BCF 202425 Budget Final
- Quality Safety and Safeguarding Assurance Report - Public v2