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The Voluntary Sector Partnership of Rochdale Council met on Thursday 27 June 2024 to discuss key issues including the recovery plan of Rochdale Boroughwide Housing (RBH), the new Corporate Commissioning Strategy, and the regeneration plans for College Bank. Significant concerns were raised about social housing and homelessness in the borough.
Rochdale Boroughwide Housing
The Executive Director of Customer and Community at Rochdale Boroughwide Housing (RBH) presented an update on the organisation's leadership structure, recovery plan, and voluntary undertaking with the Regulator of Social Housing. The recovery plan, which is 78% complete, focuses on five themes: Governance, Home, Tenant Involvement and Empowerment, Rebuilding Trust, and Lessons Learnt. Measures include regular customer drop-in sessions and the establishment of a damp and mould taskforce.
It was reported that 25% of RBH homes have evidence of damp and mould, and additional funding has been secured to address these issues. The plan for 2024 includes a new Corporate Plan and Values, improved customer service through the Customer First programme, and regular engagement with customers to understand their priorities.
Concerns were raised about the 59 families currently categorised as homeless in the borough and the high demand for three or four-bedroom and adapted homes. RBH is considering enlarging existing homes as an alternative to building new ones. An update on the regeneration plans for College Bank was provided, indicating that a plan to refurbish all seven blocks over five years is in place, avoiding demolition.
The Partnership resolved to note the presentation and invite the Public Health Development Manager to a future meeting to discuss the Hardship Fund and Anti-Poverty Strategy.
Corporate Commissioning Strategy
The Head of Planning and Improvement for Public Health presented the proposed Rochdale Borough Council Corporate Commissioning Strategy 2024 – 2029. The strategy aims to recognise the Council's role in shaping local businesses, people, and communities through its spending. It includes principles such as spending locally, maximising social value, improving lives, and using influence for greater impact.
The strategy will be delivered through seven commitments, including consistent commissioning practice, embedding co-production, valuing the Voluntary, Community, Faith and Social Enterprise sector (VCFSE), reviewing processes, improving contract management, enhancing social value, and clear leadership. An Equality Impact Assessment will be conducted to ensure the strategy reduces inequalities and identifies potential barriers.
Members emphasised the importance of utilising local services to drive the local economy. The Partnership resolved to note the presentation and invite Public Health to a future meeting to present on the Social Value Framework.
For more detailed information, you can refer to the Minutes - 21032024 Voluntary Sector Partnership.

- Terms of Reference - Voluntary Sector Partnership
- Riverside UK - Presentation
- Household Fund - Presentation
- Anti-Poverty Strategy - Presentation
- Public reports pack 27th-Jun-2024 10.00 Voluntary Sector Partnership reports pack
- Minutes - 21032024 Voluntary Sector Partnership minutes
- Agenda frontsheet 27th-Jun-2024 10.00 Voluntary Sector Partnership agenda