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Planning Committee - Wednesday, 26th June, 2024 5.00 pm

June 26, 2024 View on council website
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The Planning Committee of Sandwell Council convened on Wednesday, 26 June 2024, to discuss several planning applications and related matters. Key decisions included the approval of a new residential development on Park Lane, Wednesbury, and the rejection of a commercial project in West Bromwich. The committee also reviewed recent decisions by the Planning Inspectorate and discussed proposed site visits for upcoming projects.

Residential Development on Park Lane, Wednesbury

The committee approved the Planning Application - PD2402680 - Land Fronting 3-7 Park Lane Wednesbury. This development will see the construction of 20 new residential units aimed at providing affordable housing. Supporters of the project highlighted the need for more affordable housing in the area, while opponents raised concerns about potential traffic congestion and strain on local services. Ultimately, the committee decided that the benefits of increased housing outweighed the potential drawbacks.

Commercial Project in West Bromwich

The Planning Application - DC2368928 - Land To The Rear Of 33 High Street West Bromwich was rejected. The proposal involved the construction of a new commercial building intended for retail use. Councillors expressed concerns about the project's impact on existing businesses and the potential for increased traffic in an already congested area. One councillor noted, The proposed development does not align with our vision for sustainable growth in West Bromwich, emphasising the need for careful consideration of the town's long-term development plans.

Decisions of the Planning Inspectorate

The committee reviewed the Decisions of the Planning Inspectorate, which included several appeals and decisions on previous applications. Notably, the Inspectorate upheld the council's decision to refuse a large-scale industrial project, citing environmental concerns and community opposition.

Proposed Site Visits

A report on Proposed Site Visits was discussed, outlining upcoming visits to locations of interest for future planning applications. These visits are intended to provide councillors with a better understanding of the sites and the potential impact of proposed developments. The committee agreed to schedule visits to three sites, including a controversial mixed-use development in Tipton.

Applications Determined Under Delegated Powers

The committee also reviewed the Applications Determined Under Delegated Powers, which included several minor applications that were approved without the need for full committee review. These applications ranged from small residential extensions to changes of use for existing buildings.


Profile image for Councillor Attendee: Bob Piper
Councillor Attendee: Bob Piper  Labour •  Abbey
Profile image for Councillor Attendee: Liam Preece
Councillor Attendee: Liam Preece  Labour •  West Bromwich Central
Connor Robinson
Mike Jones
James McLaughlin
John Baker
Alison Bishop
Simon Smith
Simon Chadwick
Andy Thorpe
Julie Langford
Carl Mercer
William Stevens
David Wynn