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Executive - Wednesday, 12th June, 2024 6.00 pm
June 12, 2024 View on council website Watch video of meetingSummary
The Guildford Council Executive meeting on 12 June 2024 covered several significant topics, including the Riverside Nature Reserve improvements, the G Live contract award, the proposed joint scheme of officer delegations, and the appointment to the Thames Basin Heaths Joint Strategic Partnership Board.
Riverside Nature Reserve SANG Improvement
The Executive discussed the Riverside Nature Reserve SANG Improvement project, which aims to enhance the infrastructure and accessibility of the reserve. Councillor Potter introduced the item, highlighting the need for £1.133 million from the SANG reserves to fund various improvements, including a new boardwalk. Hendrick York provided further details on the planned works, emphasizing the importance of accessibility and safety. Councillor White supported the proposal, noting the significance of SANGs in protecting the Thames Basin Heaths Special Protection Areas. The Executive agreed to recommend the capital expenditure and additional staff resource to the full council meeting on 23 July 2024.
G Live Contract Award
The Executive approved the G Live contract award to Trafalgar Entertainment Group for a 25-year term. Councillor Houston introduced the report, noting the financial benefits, including the elimination of the council subsidy and a new annual rent of £240,000. The contract also includes commitments to sustainability and community engagement. Councillor Potter praised the agreement for its positive impact on the council's finances and environmental goals. The Executive approved the appointment and delegated authority to finalize the contract details.
Proposed Joint Scheme of Officer Delegations
The Executive reviewed the proposed joint scheme of officer delegations, which aims to align Guildford Borough Council's delegations with Waverley Borough Council's. Claire Beasley introduced the report, explaining the need for clear and appropriate delegations to ensure effective governance. Councillor Potter and Councillor Houston supported the proposals, emphasizing the importance of robust governance and collaboration. The Executive approved the recommendations, including the authorization for the monitoring officer to make necessary changes following the Corporate Governance and Standards Committee meeting on 1 July 2024.
Member Appointment to the Thames Basin Heaths Joint Strategic Partnership Board
The Executive approved the appointment of the portfolio holder for planning to the Thames Basin Heaths Joint Strategic Partnership Board, with the portfolio holder for climate change and environment as the deputy. This appointment will be in place until the next review of appointments in 2027.
For more detailed information, you can refer to the Supplementary Information Sheet and the Decisions document.
- Supplementary Information Sheet 12th-Jun-2024 18.00 Executive
- Decisions 12th-Jun-2024 18.00 Executive
- Agenda frontsheet 12th-Jun-2024 18.00 Executive agenda
- Item 03 - Executive Minutes 9 and 16 May 2024
- Item 05 - Riverside - Nature Reserve SANG Improvement
- Item 05 1 - Appendix 1 Riverside Nature Reserve Infrastructure Action plan
- Item 05 2 - Appendix 2 Riverside Nature Reserve Rationale for Conservation Management
- Item 05 3 - Appendix 3 Riverside Nature Reserve Photos
- Item 05 4 - Appendix 4 Equality Impact Assessment Riverside
- Item 06 - G Live procurement report
- Item 07 - Proposed Joint Scheme of Officer Delegations
- Item 07 1 - Proposed Joint Scheme of Officer Delegations - App 1 - Proposed Joint Scheme
- Item 07 2 - Proposed Joint Scheme of Officer Delegations - App 2 - Business as Usual delegations
- Item 07 3 - Proposed Joint Scheme of Officer Delegations - App 3 - Revised Proper Officer Scheme
- Item 08 - Member appointment to the Thames Basin Heaths Joint Strategic Partnership Board
- Public reports pack 12th-Jun-2024 18.00 Executive reports pack
- Printed minutes 12th-Jun-2024 18.00 Executive