Part 2, People, Performance and Development Committee - Thursday, 27 June 2024 12.30 pm

June 27, 2024 View on council website
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The People, Performance and Development Committee met to discuss the pay policy for Surrey County Council Staff, and voted to note the contents of a report on the performance of the council's apprenticeship programme in 2023/24.

Surrey County Council Pay Policy Statement 2024/25

Councillors discussed a draft pay policy for Surrey County Council staff for 2024/25. The statement sets out the council's approach to determining the pay of its employees. The Localism Act 2011 requires local authorities to produce an annual pay policy statement. It was noted that the council is facing significant financial challenges.

The financial context for 2024/25 and beyond remains very challenging. The Council’s Medium Term Financial Strategy (MTFS) currently identifies a budget gap of £88.6m over the next four years.

Councillors voted to note the contents of the report.

Apprenticeship Levy Annual Report 2023/24

Councillors discussed a report on the performance of the council's apprenticeship programme. The report found that the council had exceeded its target for the number of apprentices it had hired during the year. In total, 191 people started apprenticeships with the council during the year, against a target of 140.

The report noted that:

Apprenticeships offer a fantastic opportunity to support our residents into work and to grow our own talent.

The Committee voted to note the contents of the report.