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Governance and Business Committee - Monday, 24th June, 2024 6.00 pm
June 24, 2024 View on council websiteSummary
The Governance and Business Committee of Calderdale Council met on Monday, 24 June 2024, to discuss several key issues, including a review of the Constitution, amendments to the Officer Employment Procedure Rules, and the delegation of authority to the Head of Legal and Democratic Services. The committee approved the proposed changes to the Constitution and the definition of a Key Decision.
Review of Constitution
The Head of Legal and Democratic Services presented a report recommending amendments to the Constitution. The review aimed to ensure consistency in titles and descriptions and to update policy documents. The Constitution is crucial for the governance process as it translates legislative authority into processes and procedures.
During the discussion, members debated the proposal to raise the significant
figure from £200,000 to £500,000 for key decisions. Officers explained that this change would streamline decision-making processes and reduce the number of decisions requiring extensive review. Members expressed concerns about the potential impact on transparency and oversight.
Councillor Bellenger noted, Raising the threshold might expedite processes, but we must ensure it doesn't compromise our accountability.
The committee resolved to recommend to the Council that:
- The Head of Legal and Democratic Services be given delegated authority to make administrative amendments to the Constitution.
- The revised definition of a Key Decision to include the word
reflecting a value of £500,000 be approved. - An amendment to the Officer Employment Procedure Rules to delete the requirement for notification to all Cabinet Members of a proposal from the Employment Committee to make an offer of employment to a prospective Chief Officer.
- The Head of Legal and Democratic Services be given delegated authority to make all necessary consequential amendments to the Officer Employment Procedure Rules.
Amendments to Officer Employment Procedure Rules
The committee discussed proposed changes to the Officer Employment Procedure Rules. The amendments aimed to streamline the employment process for Chief Officers by removing the requirement for notification to all Cabinet Members. This change was intended to reduce delays and improve efficiency in hiring processes.
Members raised concerns about the potential for reduced oversight and the importance of maintaining transparency in employment decisions. Officers assured the committee that the amendments would not compromise the integrity of the hiring process.
Councillor Thompson commented, While efficiency is important, we must ensure that our procedures remain transparent and fair.
The committee approved the proposed amendments, subject to the approval of the Council.
Delegation of Authority to Head of Legal and Democratic Services
The committee considered a proposal to delegate authority to the Head of Legal and Democratic Services to make administrative amendments to the Constitution as needed. This delegation aimed to ensure that the Constitution remains up-to-date and consistent without requiring frequent committee approvals for minor changes.
Members supported the proposal, recognising the need for flexibility in maintaining the Constitution. However, they emphasised the importance of clear guidelines and oversight to prevent misuse of delegated authority.
Councillor Caffrey stated, Delegating authority is practical, but we must establish clear boundaries to ensure it is used appropriately.
The committee resolved to recommend the delegation of authority to the Council, with the understanding that significant changes would still require committee approval.

- 1. Substance Misuse Policy
- Agenda frontsheet 24th-Jun-2024 18.00 Governance and Business Committee agenda
- Item 5 - Member Development Working Party
- Public reports pack 24th-Jun-2024 18.00 Governance and Business Committee reports pack
- 2. Flexible Working Policy
- 2024 03 18 - Governance and Business Minutes minutes
- Item 6 - Revision of HR Policies
- 4. Attendance Management Policy
- 3. Family Friendly Policy
- 5. EIA - Substance Misuse Policy
- Item 7 - Review of Scrutiny