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Planning Committee - Thursday, 27th June, 2024 7.00 pm

June 27, 2024 View on council website Watch video of meeting
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The Planning Committee of Bexley Council convened on Thursday, 27 June 2024, to discuss various planning applications. Key decisions included the approval of a single-storey rear extension at 18 Albury Avenue, Bexley Heath, and the approval of a single-storey side extension at 20 Christchurch Road, Sidcup. The committee also approved a single-storey rear and side extension at 22 Sandhurst Road, Sidcup, and a single-storey rear extension at 32 Northcote Road, Sidcup.

18 Albury Avenue, Bexley Heath

The committee reviewed an application for the erection of a single-storey rear extension, a single-storey side porch, and the conversion of the roof space involving alterations to the existing roofline at 18 Albury Avenue, Bexley Heath. The proposal included a thermal window at the front and rear. Mr. Marriott, a local resident, raised concerns about overdevelopment and privacy, arguing that the extension would invade his privacy and that of his neighbours. He stated, My objections are that from their back windows, they will be looking directly into my kitchen, my lounge, my neighbour's kitchen, and I think it's an invasion of my privacy. Mr. Condwell, the applicant, countered that the planning officer had recommended approval and that similar extensions had been approved on the street. The committee approved the application, considering it acceptable in design terms and not harmful to neighbouring properties.

20 Christchurch Road, Sidcup

The application for a single-storey side extension at 20 Christchurch Road, Sidcup, involved the demolition of the existing garage and the formation of a vehicle access, along with alterations to the front boundary enclosure. Mr. Beagley, a neighbour, objected to the proposal, citing concerns about the height and impact on privacy. He argued that the new garage would be higher than the existing one and would include six Velux windows, which he believed would be used as habitable space. Mr. Kadukuri, the applicant, emphasized that the design was harmonious with the main building and complied with all relevant policies. The committee approved the application, noting that the design was acceptable and would not result in adverse harm to neighbouring properties.

22 Sandhurst Road, Sidcup

The committee considered an application for a single-storey rear and side extension at 22 Sandhurst Road, Sidcup. The proposal included alterations to the existing roof slope and rear dormer extensions. The committee found the design to be acceptable and in keeping with the character of the Christchurch Conservation Area. The application was approved without significant objections.

32 Northcote Road, Sidcup

An application for a single-storey rear extension at 32 Northcote Road, Sidcup, following the demolition of the existing conservatory and lean-to, was also reviewed. The committee found the proposal to be acceptable in design terms and not harmful to the surrounding area. The application was approved without significant objections.

For more details, you can refer to the Agenda frontsheet, Public reports pack, and Decisions documents.


Councillor Peter Reader
Councillor Rags Sandhu
Profile image for CouncillorCameron Smith
Councillor Cameron Smith  Conservative Party •  St Mary's & St James
Profile image for CouncillorJanice Ward-Wilson
Councillor Janice Ward-Wilson  Conservative Party •  Crook Log
Councillor John Davey
Councillor Baljeet Gill
Councillor Larry Ferguson
Profile image for CouncillorChris Ball
Councillor Chris Ball  Shadow Cabinet Member for Finance and Corporate Services •  Labour Party •  Erith
Councillor Andy Dourmoush