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Selection Council, Council - Monday, 13th May, 2024 7.00 pm

May 13, 2024 View on council website Watch video of meeting
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The Guildford Council's Annual Meeting, referred to as the Selection Council Meeting, covered several key topics. The meeting began with a prayer by Chaplain Revan Ruth Brothwell, followed by housekeeping comments from the Mayor, including instructions for mobile devices, fire alarm procedures, and reminders about the meeting being webcasted live.

  1. Apologies for Absence: The Democratic Services and Elections Manager reported apologies from Councillors Jeff Davis, Richard Lucas, Sue Wythe Price, Matt Furness, and several honorary aldermen.

  2. Declarations of Interest: Councillors were reminded to declare any discloseable pecuniary interests and non-pecuniary interests relevant to the meeting's agenda.

  3. Confirmation of Minutes: The Council confirmed the minutes of previous meetings held on the 7th of February, 21st of February, and 16th of April as correct records.

  4. Mayor's Communications: The Mayor outlined her approach to chairing meetings, emphasizing respect, fairness, and inclusivity. She introduced new procedure rules for the meeting, encouraging Councillors to seek clarification on motions before debates.

  5. Announcements from Statutory Officers: No announcements were made by statutory officers.

  6. Public Participation: The Council agreed to suspend a procedure rule to allow public participation. Three public speakers addressed the Council:

    • Monica Lilly: Representing the Plant-Based Treaty Campaign and Animal Rising, she urged the Council to address the climate impact of food, particularly promoting plant-based diets. The Leader acknowledged the importance of the issue and suggested it could be explored further by an overview and scrutiny committee.
    • Gavin Morgan: Discussed the importance of Guildford Castle and heritage sites, proposing the castle as a focal point for community and heritage service collaboration. The Lead Councillor for Commercial Services, Catherine Houston, supported the idea and mentioned plans to set up a working group to explore heritage services.
    • Dale Askew: Representing the Woodhouse Place Residents Association, he highlighted ongoing issues with housing services, including safety standards and maintenance problems. The Leader of the Council committed to addressing these issues and improving tenant services.
  7. Questions from Residents: Three residents submitted questions:

    • David Allison: Raised concerns about the deemed discharge process in planning applications. The Lead Councillor for Planning, Fiona White, acknowledged the need for better communication and process improvements.
    • Catherine Atkinson: Questioned the planning department's oversight of deemed discharge notices. Councillor White reiterated the commitment to improving processes and communication.
    • Keith Melbourne: Submitted a question but did not attend or wish to ask a supplementary question.
  8. Appointments to Committees and Other Appointments: The Council discussed and voted on appointments to various committees and positions. Councillor Sue Wythe Price was nominated as Vice-Chair of the Resources Overview and Scrutiny Committee, leading to a contested election with Councillor Williams, who was ultimately elected.

  9. Wayside Urban Village Development: The Council discussed the financial position of the Wayside Urban Village project, a major regeneration scheme. The Deputy Leader, Tom Hunt, proposed the transfer of additional funds to the approved capital program. Councillors raised concerns about the project's costs and risks, but the motion was agreed upon.

  10. Minutes of the Executive: The Council received and noted the minutes of the Executive meetings held on the 25th of January, 22nd of February, and 18th of April 2024.

The meeting concluded with no further items of business.