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Policy & Performance Improvement Committee - Monday, 24th June, 2024 6.00 pm
June 24, 2024 View on council website Watch video of meetingSummary
The Policy & Performance Improvement Committee met and discussed a range of matters. The committee noted the content of all of the reports on the meeting agenda and made a number of recommendations to the Cabinet.
Financial Outturn Report
The committee considered the Financial Outturn report for the 2023/24 financial year (24.06.24 - Financial Outturn Report to 31 March 2024).
The report showed a projected underspend of £2.126 million against the revised budget for the General Fund, representing 3.8% of the total net budget for the year. The report explained that this was mainly due to an increase in income from car parking.
The report also detailed a number of other variances to the budget. In particular, the report noted an overspend of £162,000 on the Council’s contract with Biffa. This was because the amount of waste collected had increased, as had the amount of contaminated recycling. This was a matter of concern to the committee because the overspend on waste collection would have to be met from the Council's reserves. The committee heard from the Business Manager – Environmental Services that contaminated recycling was a national problem that cost local councils millions of pounds every year.
Community Safety Partnership Update
The committee received an update on the work of the Bassetlaw and Newark & Sherwood Community Safety Partnership (24.06.24 - BNS CSP Update and Performance June 2024).
The Partnership has been working to reduce crime and anti-social behaviour in the district and has had a number of successes.
The Committee heard that:
The Partnership has recently completed its first year of delivery and despite the challenges of COVID-19, has made significant progress in delivering against its priorities.
In particular, the committee heard that:
The Partnership has been successful in securing funding from the Home Office to deliver a number of projects aimed at reducing crime and anti-social behaviour.
The committee welcomed the work of the Partnership and noted the report.
UK Shared Prosperity Fund Update
The committee received an update on the UK Shared Prosperity Fund (24.06.24 - UKSPF June 2024 PPIC Report 13.6.24).
The committee heard that the UK government has allocated £2.6 billion to the UK Shared Prosperity Fund (UKSPF), which is a central pillar of the government’s ambitious Levelling Up agenda and a significant component of its wider commitment to support local economies across the UK. The UKSPF invests in local areas to improve pride in place, increase life chances, and grow the private sector.
Newark & Sherwood District Council will receive £4.1 million over the next three years and had already allocated £1.7 million. The report gave a detailed breakdown of how the allocated funds were being spent. In particular, the committee heard that:
The funding will be used to support a range of projects across the District, including projects to support businesses, improve skills, and regenerate our town centres.
Corporate Estate Compliance Report
The committee considered the annual report on the compliance of the Council's corporate estate with the relevant legislation and guidance (24.06.24 - Corporate Estate - Annual Compliance Report).
Councillor Taylor, the Portfolio Holder for Housing, introduced the report and explained that the Council is committed to ensuring that its corporate estate is safe and compliant with all relevant legislation and guidance. He told the committee that:
This is a key priority for the Council and we are committed to ensuring that our corporate estate is safe and compliant with all relevant legislation and guidance.
The Corporate Estate consists of 4,000 assets, including 3,500 homes. The compliance of the estate is the responsibility of the Housing and Environment Committee but the Policy and Performance Improvement Committee were being asked to note the report as part of their performance management responsibilities.
Annual Customer Complaints and Feedback Report
The committee received the annual report on customer complaints and feedback (24.06.24 - Customer Complaints and Feedback report).
The report was introduced by the Business Manager - Customer Services. They explained the purpose of the report:
The purpose of this report is to provide details of complaints received by the Council, from 1 April 2023 to 31 March 2024. The report covers the Council’s performance in relation to dealing with complaints and identifies any trends and learning.
The report showed that the Council had received 432 complaints during the year, down 4% on the previous year. Housing services was the service that was complained about the most. The committee heard that:
The majority of complaints to Housing related to repairs (33%) and Anti-Social Behaviour (22%).
The committee noted the report.
Community Plan Quarter 4 Performance Report
The committee considered the Quarter 4 Community Plan Performance Report (24.06.2024 - Q4 Performance Report).
The report provided an update on the Council's progress against the objectives in its Community Plan for 2024-27, and was the last of the reports that used the previous performance framework and reporting format. The report was introduced by the Transformation & Service Improvement Manager who reminded the committee that:
The purpose of this report is to provide Members with an update on the progress made towards delivering the Council’s 2024-27 Community Plan at the end of quarter four (January – March 2024).
Overall, the report showed that the Council was making good progress against its objectives. In particular, the report highlighted the following successes:
- The Council had exceeded its target for the number of new affordable homes built.
- The Council had reduced the number of households in temporary accommodation.
- The Council had increased the number of people visiting the District's parks and green spaces.
The committee welcomed the report and noted the progress that the Council was making.
Information Sharing With Members Working Group Recommendations
The committee received a report on the recommendations of the Information Sharing With Members Working Group (24.06.24 - Information Sharing With Members WG Recommendations). The working group was established to investigate ways to improve the timeliness and quality of information available to Councillors.
After reviewing a demonstration from two different suppliers of data analytics products, the working group recommended that the Council use Microsoft Power BI to deliver a performance management dashboard to Councillors. The committee agreed to recommend the proposal to the Cabinet.
Annual Budget Strategy 2025/26
The committee considered a report on the annual budget strategy for 2025/26 (24.06.24 - Corporate Annual Budget Strategy for 202526 v1).
The report was introduced by the Business Manager – Finance. In particular, it was reported that Council Tax would need to rise by at least 2.99% and that savings of £1.2 million would be needed to deliver a balanced budget.
The report set out the budget timetable for the year ahead. The committee noted the report and will consider a further report at their meeting in September.
Forward Plan
The committee noted the Cabinet's Forward Plan (24.06.24 - Cabinet Forward Plan - May to August 2024).
- Minutes 04032024 Policy Performance Improvement Committee minutes
- Agenda frontsheet 24th-Jun-2024 18.00 Policy Performance Improvement Committee agenda
- 24.06.24 - Financial Outturn Report to 31 March 2024
- 24.06.24 - BNS CSP Update and Performance June 2024
- 24.06.24 - Financial Outturn - Appendix A
- 24.06.24 - Financial Outturn - Appendix B
- 24.06.24 - Customer Complaints and Feedback - Appendix 1
- 24.06.24 - Financial Outturn - Appendix C
- 24.06.24 - UKSPF June 2024 PPIC Report 13.6.24
- 24.06.24 - Financial Outturn - Appendix D
- 24.06.24 - Financial Outturn - Appendix E
- 24.06.24 - Corporate Estate - Appendix 5
- 24.06.24 - Corporate Annual Budget Strategy for 202526 v1
- 24.06.24 - Corporate Estate - Annual Compliance Report
- 24.06.24 - Corporate Estate - Appendix 4
- 24.06.24 - Corporate Estate - Appendix 1
- 24.06.24 - Corporate Estate - Appendix 6
- 24.06.24 - Corporate Estate - Appendix 2
- 24.06.24 - Corporate Estate - Appendix 3
- 24.06.24 - Customer Complaints and Feedback report
- 24.06.2024 - Q4 Performance Report
- 24.06.2024 - Q4 Performance Report - Appendix 1
- Minutes 26032024 Cabinet minutes
- 24.06.2024 - Q4 Performance Report - Appendix 2
- 24.06.24 - Information Sharing With Members WG Recommendations
- 24.06.24 - Cabinet Forward Plan - May to August 2024
- Minutes 20022024 Cabinet minutes
- Minutes 14052024 Cabinet minutes
- Minutes 05032024 Cabinet minutes
- 24.06.24 - Topic Request Form - Digital Strategy 2024
- 24.06.24 - Topic Request Form - Kiddey Stones
- Public reports pack 24th-Jun-2024 18.00 Policy Performance Improvement Committee reports pack