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Cabinet - Tuesday, 25th June, 2024 7.30 pm

June 25, 2024 View on council website  Watch video of meeting or read trancript
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The Cabinet of North Hertfordshire Council held a meeting on Tuesday, 25 June 2024, where they discussed several significant topics, including the Council Delivery Plan, risk management governance, the revenue budget outturn, investment strategy, and leisure decarbonisation projects. Key decisions were made to advance the council's strategic objectives and address financial and environmental challenges.

Council Delivery Plan Q4 Update

The Council Delivery Plan for 2023-24 was reviewed, with Councillor Matt Barnes presenting the Q4 update. The update highlighted progress in various projects, particularly in the enterprise service area and waste contract mobilisation. Councillor Ian Albert noted the importance of keeping the delivery plan under regular review and ensuring it aligns with the new Council plan. The Cabinet approved the recommendations to note the progress and changes in project milestones.

Annual Report on Risk Management Governance

Councillor Sean Nolan presented the Annual Report on Risk Management Governance, emphasizing the importance of monitoring risks to protect public funds. Key risks discussed included the Bulldog Fire and potential legislative changes post-Brexit. The Cabinet approved the report and referred it to the full Council.

Revenue Budget Outturn 2023-24

The revenue budget outturn for 2023-24 was presented, showing significant variances due to higher-than-expected returns on cash investments. Councillor Ian Albert highlighted the need for a full review of the capital spend to ensure it matches the Council's priorities. The Cabinet approved the recommendations, including adjustments to the 2024-25 budget and the transfer to reserves.

Investment Strategy, Capital and Treasury End of Year Review

The Investment Strategy, Capital and Treasury End of Year Review was discussed, with Councillor Sean Nolan noting the benefits of higher interest rates on investments. However, the diminishing capital receipts and the potential need for borrowing were highlighted as future challenges. The Cabinet approved the recommendations, including a change to the investment strategy for the current year.

Key Performance Indicators 2024-25

The Cabinet reviewed the Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for 2024-25, with Councillor Matt Barnes emphasizing the importance of including KPIs for customer satisfaction and key supplier contract performance. The Cabinet approved the recommendations, including making KPIs more visible to all councillors through the Members' Information Service.

Leisure Decarbonisation Projects

The Cabinet discussed the Leisure Decarbonisation Projects, focusing on the significant grant awarded for decarbonising leisure centres. Councillor Ian Albert expressed disappointment over the termination costs associated with the Centrica contract but emphasized the project's importance for achieving net zero goals. The Cabinet approved the recommendations to proceed with the decarbonisation works and the gym extension but decided not to approve the learner pool business case at this time, pending further exploration of funding options.

The meeting concluded with the exclusion of the press and public for a private session to discuss confidential matters.