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Governance Committee - Wednesday 26th June 2024 6.00 pm

June 26, 2024 View on council website Watch video of meeting
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The Governance Committee of Solihull Council met on 26 June 2024 to discuss several key issues, including the completion of DBS checks for councillors, the review and approval of the draft statement of accounts for 2023-24, and the appointment of two honorary aldermen.

DBS Checks for Councillors

The committee reviewed the status of DBS checks for councillors. Deborah, a council officer, reported that 16 out of 17 newly elected or returning councillors had completed their DBS applications. The policy, approved in March, requires DBS checks for newly elected or returning councillors but not for existing councillors unless their roles demand a higher level of check. The committee requested that the one remaining councillor complete their application promptly.

Draft Statement of Accounts 2023-24

Adam Patterson presented the 2023-24 draft statement of accounts for review and approval. The accounts had been previously presented to the Audit Committee with no comments requiring further action. The draft statement, published on 29 May, includes a narrative report summarising the council's financial position, achievements, and challenges. Key points included a 7% reduction in the council's balance sheet due to a decrease in short-term investments and the pension fund's net asset position. The committee unanimously approved the draft statement of accounts.

Appointment of Honorary Aldermen

The committee discussed the appointment of two honorary aldermen, Jim Ryan and Ken Meeson, recognising their significant contributions to the local authority. The committee unanimously supported the recommendation to appoint both individuals as honorary aldermen.

Acknowledgement of Election Team's Efforts

The committee expressed gratitude to the election team, led by Deborah, for their hard work during a busy election period. The team managed four elections and numerous postal votes, ensuring a smooth process.

The meeting concluded with no additional business.