Camden Town District Management Committee - Wednesday, 26th June, 2024 6.00 pm

June 26, 2024 View on council website
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The committee agreed to fund two bids for local projects. They also discussed various local issues such as safety, capital works, parking and anti-social behaviour.

Funding Bids

The meeting considered two bids for funding from the Camden Town DMC:

Resident Action Day

The first bid, for £1,712, was for a Resident Action Day at the Camden Gardens Estate. The meeting heard that the event would be an opportunity for residents to come together and discuss estate issues, raise concerns, and propose solutions alongside Camden Council officers. In line with Camden Council’s Fairer Camden Strategy, the Council aims for residents to be at the heart of everything the council does. The bid was agreed unanimously.

Gerda Boxes

The second bid, for £1,860, was for the purchase of 20 ‘Gerda boxes’ to be installed at Agar Grove Estate and the Three Fields Estate. Gerda boxes contain tools and equipment for residents to use to maintain their estates. They are part of the council's plans to improve the appearance of estates in line with the Camden Plan, which states that Camden will be a borough where Neighbourhoods are well maintained, distinct and welcoming. The bid was agreed unanimously.

Community Safety

The meeting received a report on community safety and anti-social behaviour in Camden Town. The report outlined the work being done by the Council and its partners to address these issues. This included working with the local police team, installing new CCTV cameras, and increased community engagement work with residents.

The meeting heard that there had been a recent increase in reports of drug dealing and anti-social behaviour in Camley Street. The Council is working with local businesses and residents to address these issues. In line with the Council’s Community Safety Strategy, the council works to provide a safe and secure environment for all residents. It does this by working in partnership to prevent crime and anti-social behaviour and to support victims of crime.

Capital Works Update

The meeting received a report providing an update on the progress of the replacement of entrance doors on the Ampthill Estate. The meeting heard that the work was progressing well and was on track to be completed on schedule and within budget.

The replacement of the doors is part of the council's commitment to investing in its housing stock. The Camden Plan states that Camden will provide a home for everyone and this includes making sure that council housing is of a decent standard.

Estate and Off-Street Parking Strategy

The meeting received a report on the council’s Estate and Off-Street Parking Strategy. The report sought feedback from the Committee on the draft strategy which has been out for consultation with residents.

The report noted that There is a high demand for parking permits in the borough, with waiting lists for many estates. The report set out how the new strategy aims to balance the needs of residents who need to park their cars with the need to promote sustainable transport.

The meeting heard that the new parking strategy would be implemented in phases over the next three years. The strategy will be introduced on a rolling basis, starting with a pilot scheme in a small number of locations. This will give the council an opportunity to test out the new system and make sure that it is working as intended.

Voids Programme

The meeting received a report on the Voids Programme, which is a scheme to bring empty council properties back into use. The report set out the progress that has been made in reducing the number of empty properties in Camden and provided details of a number of properties in Camden Town that are currently undergoing works to make them habitable.

The Voids Programme is part of the council's commitment to increasing the supply of affordable housing in the borough. This aligns with the Camden Plan, which aims to make Camden a place where everyone has access to a decent, genuinely affordable home.