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Sheffield Health and Wellbeing Board - Thursday 27 June 2024 2.00 pm

June 27, 2024 View on council website Watch video of meeting
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The Sheffield Health and Wellbeing Board meeting on 27 June 2024 covered several significant topics, including the Better Care Fund, the Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy, the Growth Plan, the Changing Futures program, and the Council Plan.

Better Care Fund

The Board reviewed the Better Care Fund (BCF) End of Year Report for 2023-24. Martin Smith, Assistant Director of Transformation and Delivery, presented the summary of the first year of the BCF plan, highlighting that the primary objectives are to enable people to stay well, safe, and independent at home, and to provide the right care in the right place at the right time. The Board noted the success in meeting most national conditions, except for ambulatory care admissions, which saw a 14% increase. The Board approved the delegation of sign-off for the 2024-25 refresh and noted the submission of the 2023-24 year-end template.

Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy

Susan and Helen provided an update on the development of the new Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy. The strategy aims to close the unfair gap in length and quality of life by improving the health and wellbeing of those worst off the fastest. The Board discussed the importance of accessible language and the use of a microsite to host the strategy. The Board also reviewed the radical shifts and building blocks of the strategy, with a focus on integrating commitments and developing an action plan for the upcoming year.

Growth Plan

Diana Buckley presented the Growth Plan, which aims to prioritize growth and prosperity in Sheffield. The plan is built around three key themes: a global, green, and growing economy; celebrating and growing Sheffield's cultural and creative sectors; and growing neighborhoods together. The Board discussed the importance of partnership working, tackling inequality, and ensuring sustainable growth. The plan will be further developed over the summer with a final version expected in autumn 2024.

Changing Futures Program

The Board received an update on the Changing Futures program, which supports adults with severe and multiple disadvantages. The program has worked with over 100 people, achieving significant reductions in offending behavior, safeguarding referrals, and MARAC referrals. The co-production aspect of the program, led by South Yorkshire Housing Association, was highlighted as a key success. The Board discussed the future of the program beyond its current funding, which ends in March 2025, and the importance of embedding its principles into mainstream services.

Council Plan

Kate Joseph presented the Council Plan, which sets out the Council's priorities and outcomes for the next four years. The plan is built around three policy drivers: people, prosperity, and planet. The Board noted the importance of aligning the Council Plan with the city goals and other key strategies, such as the Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy and the Growth Plan. The plan aims to improve service delivery, tackle inequality, and drive long-term prosperity for Sheffield.

The meeting concluded with the approval of the minutes from the previous meeting held on 28 March 2024. The next meeting is scheduled for 26 September 2024.


Dr David Black Medical Director , Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS FT
May Connolly Community Team Manager, Heeley Development Trust
Janet Kerr Deputy DASS and Chief Social Work Officer Sheffield City Council
Emma Latimer Executive Director for Sheffield, ICB Place Committee
Megan Ohri Partnership Manager, SOAR
Toni Schwarz Dean for Health and Wellbeing, Sheffield Hallam University
Robert Sykes Chief Operating Officer, University of Sheffield
Meredith Teasdale Strategic Director of Childrens Services, Sheffield City Council
Salma Yasmeen Sheffield Health & Social Care Trust
Greg Fell Director of Public Health, Sheffield City Council
Judy Robinson Chair, Healthwatch Sheffield
James Henderson Director of Policy and Democratic Engagement, Sheffield City Council
Eleanor Rutter Consultant in Public Health, Sheffield City Council
Lucy Davies Healthwatch
Kate Josephs Chief Executive, Sheffield City Council
Alexis Chappell Director of Adult Health & Social Care, Sheffield City Council
Helen Sims Chief Executive, Voluntary Action Sheffield
Helen Steers Voluntary Action Sheffield
Kate Martin Executive Director-City Futures, Sheffield City Council
Dr Leigh Sorsbie PCN Clinical Representative, ICB Place Committee
Yvonne Millard Sheffield Children's Hospital
Alison Wells Sheffield Hallam University
Paul Ferguson South Yorkshire Police
James Sutherland Head of Primary and Community Mental Health Transformation PCS/SHSC/National Implementation Advisor– Community Mental Health, NHS England & NHS Improvement