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The Schools' Forum of Wolverhampton Council met on Thursday 27 June 2024 to discuss several key issues, including updates on the Dedicated Schools Grant (DSG), the Schools Forum Forward Plan, and school balances. Decisions were made on the allocation of funds and the future agenda items for the Forum.
Dedicated Schools Grant Out-turn 2023-2024
James Barlow, Finance Business Partner, presented the Dedicated Schools Grant Out-turn 2023-2024. The report detailed the final expenditure for the financial year and highlighted an overspend in the High Needs Block. Concerns were raised about the sustainability of current spending levels, given the increasing demand for special educational needs (SEN) provision. Members acknowledged the need for careful financial planning and prioritisation to manage the budget effectively.
Schools Forum Forward Plan 2024-2025
Bill Hague, Head of School Business and Support Services, introduced the Schools Forum Forward Plan 2024-2025. The plan outlines the key agenda items for the upcoming year, including regular updates on the DSG, school funding, and strategic planning for educational services. Members were invited to suggest additional items for future meetings by contacting Bill Hague or Shelley Humphries, Democratic Services Officer.
School Balances Update
James Barlow also presented the School Balances Update, which provided an overview of the financial positions of schools within the council. The report highlighted significant variances in school balances, with some schools holding substantial reserves while others faced financial difficulties. The Forum discussed the importance of financial management and the potential need for intervention in schools with persistent deficits.
Growth Fund Update
Bill Hague provided an update on the Growth Fund, following discussions at the previous meeting. The Growth Fund Update report included information on the allocation for 2024-2025 and the challenges posed by increased in-year demand. The Department for Education (DfE) advised that support for growing schools should be facilitated through existing Growth Funding. Members approved the outline process for supporting growing schools and agreed to a full review of the Growth Fund mechanism.
Schools' Forum Membership and Attendance Update
Bill Hague provided a verbal update on Schools' Forum Membership and Attendance. No significant changes were reported, but efforts to fill vacancies, particularly from the 16-19 Education sector, were ongoing. The City of Wolverhampton College was being followed up for representation.
Any Other Business
An extraordinary meeting was proposed to consider the revised Dedicated Schools Grant – Early Years Block report. Members agreed to arrange this meeting to ensure timely decisions on the allocation of Early Years funding.
For more details, you can refer to the Minutes of the meeting.
- Amandip Lally Academies Sector Substitute
- Anthony Smith Academies Sector Representative
- Dan Hartley Academies Sector Representative
- Emma Smith Nursery Sector Headteacher Representative
- Graham Tate Academies Sector Representative
- Jacqui Coogan Lab
- Kate Charles Primary Sector Substitute
- Kirsty Banks Academies Sector Representative
- Lindsay Watson Pupil Referral Unit Sector Representative
- Lisa Thompson Diocesan Schools Representative
- Natalie Boys Academies Sector Representative
- Nicola Licata Academies Sector Representative
- Samantha Kemp-Marshall Early Years Representative
- Sarah Horton Academies Sector Substitute
- Trisha James Primary Sector Governor Representative
- Zoe Rollinson Primary Sector Representative
- Alison Hinds Observer - Director of Children’s Services
- Ben Davis Academies Sector Representative
- Bhaksho Raj Academies Sector Representative
- Bill Hague Observer - Head of School Business and Support Services, CWC
- Brenda Wile Observer - Deputy Director of Education, CWC
- Carroll McNally Diocesan Schools Representative
- Gary Gentle Diocesan Schools Substitute
- Karen Preston Academies Sector Representative
- Lorraine Dawney Special School Sector Substitute
- Louisa Craig Academies Sector Representative
- Phil Williams Academies Sector Representative
- Rachael Brown Pupil Referral Unit Headteacher Representative
- Samantha Walker Primary Sector Headteacher Representative
- Susan Lacey Nursery Sector Headteacher Representative
- Minutes 29022024 Schools Forum minutes
- Agenda frontsheet 27th-Jun-2024 16.00 Schools Forum agenda
- Minutes 22032024 Schools Forum minutes
- Schools Forum Membership and Attendance - June 2024
- Schools Forum Meeting - Supplement 27th-Jun-2024 16.00 Schools Forum
- Dedicated Schools Grant Out-turn 2023-2024
- School Balances Update
- Schools Forum - Amended Minutes 27th-Jun-2024 16.00 Schools Forum
- Minutes 29022024 Schools Forum - Amended minutes
- Public reports pack 27th-Jun-2024 16.00 Schools Forum reports pack
- Schools Forum Forward Plan 2024 - 2025 - Tabled at 27 June Forum 27th-Jun-2024 16.00 Schools For
- Schools Forum Forward Plan 2024-2025
- Schools Forum Forward Plan 2023-2024 - June 2024