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Schools Forum - Thursday, 27th June, 2024 4.30 pm

June 27, 2024 View on council website
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The Lewisham Council Schools Forum meeting on 27 June 2024 focused on the financial outturn for the Dedicated Schools Grant (DSG) for 2023-24, the proposed de-delegation for Lewisham Learning School Improvement for 2024-25, and the workplan for the Schools Forum for 2024-25. Key decisions were made regarding the allocation of funds and the approval of the workplan.

DSG 2023-24 Outturn and 2024-25 Funding Update

The meeting began with a detailed review of the DSG 2023-24 Outturn Including Schools Balances Position and DSG 2024-25 Funding Update. The forum discussed the financial performance of the DSG, noting a surplus in some areas and deficits in others. Concerns were raised about the sustainability of current funding levels, particularly in light of increasing costs and demands on special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) services.

Councillors debated the merits of reallocating surplus funds to cover deficits, with some arguing that it is essential to ensure that all schools have the resources they need to provide a high-quality education (Councillor). Others cautioned against short-term fixes that might exacerbate long-term financial instability. Ultimately, the forum decided to approve the proposed funding allocations for 2024-25, with a commitment to review the financial strategy in the next quarter.

Proposed De-delegation for Lewisham Learning School Improvement 2024-25

The forum then considered the Proposed De-delegation for Lewisham Learning School Improvement 2024-25. This proposal involves the de-delegation of funds from maintained schools to support the Lewisham Learning School Improvement service, which provides targeted support to improve educational outcomes.

There was a robust discussion about the effectiveness of the Lewisham Learning School Improvement service. Some members highlighted its success in raising standards in underperforming schools, while others questioned the value for money. One councillor noted, We need to ensure that every pound spent is making a real difference in our classrooms (Councillor). The forum voted to approve the de-delegation, with a request for a detailed impact assessment to be presented at the next meeting.

Schools Forum Workplan 2024-25

Finally, the forum reviewed and approved the Schools Forum Workplan 2024-25. The workplan outlines the key priorities and activities for the upcoming year, including regular reviews of financial performance, updates on school improvement initiatives, and consultations with stakeholders.

The workplan was praised for its comprehensive approach and clear timelines. One member commented, This workplan provides a solid framework for us to address the challenges and opportunities facing our schools (Councillor). The forum unanimously approved the workplan, setting the stage for a focused and strategic approach to school governance in the coming year.


Janita Aubun
Pat Barber
Ann Butcher
Mala Dadlani
Katie Denton
Yvonne Epale
Peter Fidel
Manda George
Niall Hand
Heather Johnston
Cathryn Arnold-Kinsey
Julie Loffstadt
David Lucas
Sharon Lynch
Naheeda Maharasingam
Daniel Meyer
Maxine Osbaldeston
Andy Rothery
Angela Scattergood
Melanie Simpson
Jamie Stevenson
Michael Sullivan
Sarah Ambrose
Anthony Doudle
Clare Gurbutt