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Licensing Committee - Friday, 28th June, 2024 10.00 am

June 28, 2024 View on council website
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The Licensing Committee of North Kesteven Council met on Friday, 28 June 2024, to discuss several key issues, including updates to the Hackney Carriage and Private Hire Licensing Policy. Decisions were made on vehicle check documentation retention, driver proficiency training, vehicle condition checks, vehicle age limits, and flexible transport services.

Hackney Carriage and Private Hire Licensing Policy - SKDC Consultation Response

The Cabinet Member for Corporate Governance and Licensing introduced the report on the consultation response to the Department for Transport’s updated guidance. The consultation received 205 responses. The Licensing Manager presented the report, highlighting that the Department for Transport issued non-statutory best practice guidance in November 2023. The Committee had previously agreed to consult the public on certain items within this guidance.

Vehicle Check Documentation Retention

A recommendation was made to retain vehicle check/walkaround documentation for 12 months. This was proposed, seconded, and recommended for inclusion in the policy.

Members discussed the issue and it was proposed, seconded and RECOMMENDED that the documents be kept for 12 months. - Licensing Committee Minutes1

Driver Proficiency

The Committee discussed the importance of driver proficiency, recommending that taxi and private hire drivers undertake training and/or assessment focused on attitudes and behaviours, such as those offered by IAM Roadsmart and RoSPA.

Members felt that the addition of this item to the policy would help promote safer driving and more confidence in the driver by the public. - Licensing Committee Minutes1

Vehicle Condition Checks

The Committee recommended the introduction of required daily vehicle checks, with a penalty of 3 points if not completed. This decision was based on discussions about safety and comparisons to motoring convictions.

It was therefore proposed, seconded and RECOMMENDED that 3pts be given if the vehicle check was not completed. - Licensing Committee Minutes1

Vehicle Age Limits

The Committee recommended that vehicles should be registered after September 2015 to ensure Euro 6 compliance2. Additionally, an upper age limit of 15 years for all types of vehicles was proposed and recommended.

It was proposed, seconded and RECOMMENDED that the Euro 6 compliance be added to the Policy. - Licensing Committee Minutes1

Flexible Transport Services

The Committee discussed promoting flexible transport services, such as shared taxis and private hire vehicles for advance bookings, and taxi & private hire vehicle buses. They recommended including these services in the policy but required more information on shared taxis before making a final decision.

Members were in agreement with the Shared taxi and Private Hire vehicles and this was proposed and seconded for RECOMMENDATION. - Licensing Committee Minutes1

  1. Minutes 10052024 Licensing Committee 

  2. Euro 6 is a set of emissions standards that all new cars sold in the EU must meet. It aims to reduce levels of harmful exhaust emissions, primarily nitrogen oxides (NOx). 


Profile image for Councillor Pam Bosworth
Councillor Pam Bosworth  Conservative (part of the South Kesteven Coalition Group) •  Belvoir
Profile image for Councillor Elvis Stooke
Councillor Elvis Stooke  Grantham Independent •  Belmont
Profile image for Councillor Harrish Bisnauthsing
Councillor Harrish Bisnauthsing  Liberal Democrat •  Stamford St Marys
Profile image for Councillor Helen Crawford
Councillor Helen Crawford  Conservative (part of the South Kesteven Coalition Group) •  Bourne West
Profile image for Councillor Steven Cunnington
Councillor Steven Cunnington  Grantham Independent •  Grantham Earlesfield
Profile image for Councillor Patsy Ellis
Councillor Patsy Ellis  Grantham Independent •  Grantham St Vincents
Profile image for Councillor Paul Fellows
Councillor Paul Fellows  Chairman of the Council •  Democratic Independent Group •  Bourne Austerby
Profile image for Councillor Jane Kingman
Councillor Jane Kingman  Conservative (part of the South Kesteven Coalition Group) •  Stamford St Marys
Profile image for Councillor Philip Knowles
Councillor Philip Knowles  Cabinet Member for Corporate Governance and Licensing •  Democratic Independent Group •  Bourne East
Profile image for Councillor Robert Leadenham
Councillor Robert Leadenham  Conservative (part of the South Kesteven Coalition Group) •  Belvoir
Profile image for Councillor Nikki Manterfield
Councillor Nikki Manterfield  Conservative (part of the South Kesteven Coalition Group) •  Grantham Springfield