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Scrutiny Co-ordination Committee - Wednesday, 26th June, 2024 11.00 am

June 26, 2024 View on council website
AI Generated


The Scrutiny Co-ordination Committee of Coventry Council discussed the Serious Violence Duty and the Community Safety Plan 2024-2027. The committee approved the Community Safety Plan and debated the implications of the Serious Violence Duty on local policing and community initiatives.

Serious Violence Duty

The committee reviewed the Serious Violence Duty, which mandates local authorities to work collaboratively with police, health services, and other agencies to prevent and reduce serious violence. The duty is part of the Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Act 2022, which aims to enhance public safety through a multi-agency approach.

Councillors discussed the potential impact of this duty on Coventry, with particular emphasis on resource allocation and inter-agency cooperation. One councillor noted, The success of this duty hinges on our ability to foster strong partnerships with local organisations and ensure that resources are effectively distributed1. Concerns were raised about the potential strain on already limited resources, but the overall sentiment was supportive of the duty's objectives.

Community Safety Plan 2024-2027

The Community Safety Plan 2024-2027 was presented and approved by the committee. This plan outlines strategies to enhance public safety, reduce crime, and support victims over the next three years. Key initiatives include increased community policing, youth engagement programmes, and support services for victims of crime.

Councillors praised the comprehensive nature of the plan, with one stating, This plan is a robust framework that addresses the multifaceted nature of community safety and aligns with our long-term goals2. The plan also received positive feedback for its focus on preventative measures and community involvement.

For further details, you can refer to the Public reports pack and the Agenda frontsheet for the meeting.

  1. This refers to the collaborative efforts required under the Serious Violence Duty. 

  2. This highlights the strategic approach of the Community Safety Plan.