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Employment Committee - Tuesday, 25th June, 2024 10.00 a.m.

June 25, 2024 View on council website
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The Employment Committee of Stratford-on-Avon Council met on 25 June 2024 to discuss several key issues, including the amendment of the Redeployment Procedure, the restructuring of the Streetscene and Parking teams, and the implementation of the Staff Strategy Action Plan.

Redeployment Procedure Amendment

The committee approved an amendment to the Redeployment Procedure to include 30 months’ protection for employees’ working hours when they move from roles with Monday to Friday contracted hours to roles requiring weekend and bank holiday work. The Human Resources (HR) Manager explained that this change aims to retain staff with valuable skills, knowledge, and experience. The proposal received support from Unison, and members requested that the Council publicise this policy change to benefit other authorities.

Streetscene and Parking Restructure

The committee discussed the restructuring of the Streetscene and Parking teams, introduced by the Head of Environmental and Neighbourhood Services. The restructure aims to address recruitment challenges by adapting and merging roles, making them more attractive to potential applicants and increasing efficiency through multi-skilled officers. The new roles will require weekend and bank holiday working, as detailed in the redeployment procedure amendment. The restructure also involves area-based working to build local relationships and improve efficiency. Members noted the importance of full seven-day cover and suggested that other areas, such as Planning Enforcement, might also consider expanding to weekend coverage.

Staff Strategy Action Plan

The HR Manager presented the Staff Strategy Action Plan, which outlines the timeline for implementing the Staff Strategy agreed by the Council on 11 December 2023. Key points included the continuous nature of Well-being Events, the upcoming Staff Survey, and the launch of the Peri Menopause and Menopause Policy. Progress reports will be reviewed quarterly by the Joint Consultation and Negotiating Group and Employment Committee, and biannually by the Management Team and The Cabinet. The Council is also seeking external accreditation for equality, diversity, and inclusion, and has applied for Bronze membership in the Defence Employer Recognition Scheme.

Exclusion of the Public

The committee voted to exclude the public from the discussion of an urgent business item regarding the extension of sick pay for a Council employee. The committee agreed to continue the employee’s full sick pay until their retirement date, with the Chief Executive given delegated authority to adjust the pay if circumstances change.

For more details, you can refer to the Public reports pack and the Minutes Public Pack 26032024.