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Overview and Scrutiny Committee - Friday, 28th June, 2024 10.00 a.m.

June 28, 2024 View on council website
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The Overview and Scrutiny Committee of Stratford-on-Avon Council met to discuss a range of topics, including the establishment of a Housing Associations Working Group, the Active Communities Strategy 2024-2027, and the allocation of funds for the Council Plan & Change Programme. Decisions were made on several key issues, including the adoption of service standards for housing associations and the allocation of £1.562 million from the Council Plan & Change Fund.

Housing Associations Working Group

The Committee discussed the establishment of a Housing Associations Working Group, following questions from Mr Richard Culley. The Chair of the Housing Associations Task and Finish Group explained that residents had been consulted, and this consultation formed the basis of the report and service standards. The report proposed a new process for scrutinising housing associations at a local level. The Committee agreed to establish the Working Group, adopt the service standards, and invite housing associations to agree to them. An amendment to service standard 16 was also agreed, specifying that all bathrooms and kitchens should have floor coverings, and all other rooms should have floors screened and sealed.

Whilst the Council could not legally enforce the service standards, it could question why housing associations had not agreed to them or, if they had, why they were not being upheld, as a basis for scrutiny, noted the Chair of the Housing Associations Task and Finish Group.

Active Communities Strategy 2024-2027

The Leisure, Markets and Events Officer presented the third iteration of the Active Communities Strategy, which will be run by Sports and Leisure Management Ltd (SLM - Everyone Active) and monitored by the Council. The Strategy aims to encourage health and wellbeing throughout the District, particularly in rural and secluded areas. Members supported the Strategy but suggested close monitoring of progress and participation levels. They also recommended wider advertisement of activities to reach under-represented groups.

Council Plan & Change Programme – Resource Allocation

The Deputy Chief Executive introduced a report proposing the allocation of £1.562 million from the Council Plan & Change Fund, in line with the outcomes of the Local Government Association Corporate Peer Challenge. The plan is to spend the fund within the four-year administration ending in May 2027.

Public Houses - Planning Advice Note and Future Planning Policy Changes

The Policy Manager provided an overview of the work of the Public Houses Task and Finish Group. The Committee supported recommendations to maximise protection of public houses under current policy and increase protection under the new South Warwickshire Local Plan (SWLP). Members suggested extending similar protection to other community facilities such as local shops and post offices.

Local Government Association Corporate Peer Challenge

The Deputy Chief Executive reported that the Management Team was pleased with the feedback from the Local Government Association Corporate Peer Challenge, which indicated that the Council was in a strong position. Members requested an update once the working group of key stakeholders began making findings and policy proposals.

Quarter 4 Performance Monitoring Report

The Performance, Consultation and Insight Manager presented the Quarter 4 Performance Monitoring Report. Members expressed concern about issues with HEART and the Disabled Facilities Grants (DFG). A task and finish group will be established to research these issues and benchmark with other authorities. Members also requested a more detailed breakdown of planning targets and performance, and an update on 1 Evesham Place and Home Choice Plus at the next meeting.

Work Plan

Members requested that the Warwickshire County Council Portfolio Holder for Transport and Planning discuss the Stratford-upon-Avon Transport Strategy at the meeting scheduled for 4 October 2024. The updated Work Programme was noted.


David Buckland
Tony Perks
Annette Homer
Dave Barber
Marcia Eccleston
Sue Mullins
Councillor Ian Fradgley
Profile image for Councillor Jennifer Fradgley
Councillor Jennifer Fradgley  Chair of the Council •  Liberal Democrats •  Stratford Guildhall and Bridgetown
Profile image for Councillor Kate Rolfe
Councillor Kate Rolfe  Vice-Chair •  Liberal Democrats •  Stratford Tiddington
Councillor Andrew Crump
Councillor David Johnston