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Royal Wootton Bassett and Cricklade Area Board - Wednesday 26 June 2024 6.30 pm

June 26, 2024 View on council website
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The Royal Wootton Bassett and Cricklade Area Board meeting on 26 June 2024 focused on a range of significant local issues, including highways and transport, public transport, and community grants. Key decisions were made regarding funding allocations for local projects and initiatives.

Highways and Transport Presentations

The meeting featured detailed presentations from several Wiltshire Council officers and councillors, including Sam Howell (Director of Highways and Transport), Jason Salter (Head of Service for Passenger Transport), and Councillor Caroline Thomas (Cabinet Member for Transport, Street Scene, and Flooding). The presentations covered various aspects of the Wiltshire transport context, highlighting the extensive highway network, which is the council's largest public asset with a replacement value of over £5 billion.

Investment in the Network

The board discussed the funding available for highways maintenance, including a £21 million Highways Maintenance fund and additional investments such as a £3.6 million pothole fund. By the end of the financial year 2024/25, Wiltshire would have received an additional £5.228 million from the curtailment of the HS2 rail project.

Local Transport Plan

The importance of the Local Transport Plan was emphasized, with key themes including decarbonisation, road safety, and active travel. The plan aligns with the Local Plan Review to help deliver Wiltshire Council’s Business Plan priorities.

Public Transport Review

An overview of the public transport review was provided, noting that over 1,000 responses had been received from a consultation that ended on 10 November 2023. The aim is to implement a new policy and network from April 2024.

Highways Maintenance Approaches

The council employs three different approaches to maintenance: reactive, planned, and asset maintenance. The presentation included details on the challenges faced, such as the high number of potholes due to extreme weather conditions in 2022.

Local Highway & Footway Improvement Group (LHFIG)

The role and makeup of the Royal Wootton Bassett and Cricklade LHFIG were outlined. The group currently has 17 live projects with a budget of £91,431. The board discussed the importance of the LHFIG in addressing local highway issues and prioritizing them for funding.

Public Transport

The board discussed plans to increase demand-responsive transport, citing a successful trial in Pewsey Vale funded by a £1.2 million grant from the Government’s Rural Mobility Fund. The local number 55 and 53 buses will also receive more evening and Sunday services.

Verge and Litter Clearance

Grounds maintenance and street cleaning within the Royal Wootton Bassett boundary are the responsibility of Wiltshire Council. An extra investment of £0.3 million in 2023/24 was allocated for litter collection on main routes and trunk roads.

Lyneham Banks

The B4069 was closed following a landslide in February 2022. Funding has been approved for reinstating the road, and a tender has gone out for the work. The public will be kept updated online and through a quarterly newsletter.

Wiltshire Road Safety Partnership

Perry Payne, Wiltshire Road Safety Partnership Manager, presented on the composition and role of the partnership, which includes various stakeholders such as Wiltshire Council, Swindon Borough Council, and the South West Ambulance Service. The presentation covered community road safety initiatives, including Community Speed Watch and the role of the Roads Policing Unit.

Question and Answer Session

The board addressed several questions from the public, including updates on the Royal Wootton Bassett to Swindon Cycleway and Wiltshire Council’s verge cutting policy on rural roads. Questions were also raised about the removal of mature trees on the A3102, speeding issues, and gully maintenance along cycle paths.

Funding Applications

The board considered several funding applications, including:

  • Royal Wootton Bassett and Cricklade Youth Forum: Awarded £500 towards the Royal Wootton Bassett Youth Festival Showcase 2024.
  • Royal Wootton Bassett Arts Festival: Awarded £500 towards a laptop for registration/admin.
  • Royal Wootton Bassett Carnival: Awarded £1,500 towards new radios, on the condition that they be made publicly available for other events in the area.
  • Parkinson’s UK Cricklade and Royal Wootton Bassett: Awarded £500 towards Parkinson’s Carers and Cared for Café 2024.
  • Wootton Bassett Infants School Parent Teacher Association: Awarded £4,650 towards Vale View Gardens Community Park.
  • Cricklade and District Community Association: Awarded £1,500 towards a teen gym at Cricklade Leisure Centre.
  • The Rise Trust Youth: Awarded £720 towards Lyneham detached youth work.
  • Broad Hinton Youth Club: Awarded £950 towards new equipment.
  • Royal Wootton Bassett Volleyball Club: Awarded £642 towards a development pathway.
  • Royal Wootton Bassett Town Council: Awarded £5,000 towards the youth festival and ongoing provision.

For more detailed information, you can refer to the minutes of the meeting.