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Wiltshire Police and Crime Panel - Thursday 27 June 2024 10.30 am

June 27, 2024 View on council website
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The Wiltshire Police and Crime Panel meeting on 27 June 2024 focused on several key issues, including the progress against the PEEL inspection findings, updates on the Police and Crime Plan, and the commissioning plans for non-policing services. The Panel also discussed the National Police Air Service and the effectiveness of the 101 call response system.

Progress Against PEEL

The Panel reviewed a report on the progress made towards addressing the findings of a Police Effectiveness and Legitimacy (PEEL) inspection by His Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services (HMICFRS). Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) Philip Wilkinson, OBE, MPhil, expressed optimism about Wiltshire Police's progress and their potential to exit the ENGAGE process after the forthcoming PEEL inspection. He highlighted that while significant progress had been made, some legacy challenges remained. The Deputy Chief Constable's Evolve Team was noted for its role in driving innovation and improvement.

Councillors raised concerns about the accountability of middle management and the importance of cultural change within the force. The PCC emphasised the need for honesty and openness in addressing these challenges. There was also a discussion about the disparity between anecdotal positive feedback and the increase in formal complaints, which was clarified by Naji Darwish, Chief Executive of the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner (OPCC).

Police and Crime Plan Highlight and Performance Report

PCC Philip Wilkinson provided an update on the Police and Crime Plan, focusing on efforts to reduce waiting times for 101 calls. He reported that response times had improved significantly, from 28 minutes to around eight minutes, due to greater automation and improved processes. The Panel welcomed these improvements and discussed the potential for similar efficiencies in online reporting.

The PCC also highlighted a 25 percent reduction in fatal collisions in 2023 and improvements in the positive outcome rate for rapes and serious sexual offences. The Panel expressed interest in further information on response times and the effectiveness of multi-agency toolkits for persistent low-level offenders.

OPCC Commissioning, Grants and Partnerships

Rob Llewellyn, Director of Operations at the OPCC, presented the commissioning plans for non-policing services for the financial year 2024/25. He reported that over £5.2 million had been allocated, with additional funds expected for anti-social behaviour hot-spot policing and immediate justice projects. The focus for the upcoming year would be on embedding systems and improving outcomes across three core portfolios: victims and vulnerability, criminal justice and reoffending, and community safety and youth.

The Panel discussed the importance of inclusivity in the force's equality and diversity strategy and the challenges faced by the new provider responsible for custody healthcare provision. The PCC confirmed that public consultation played a significant role in setting priorities and highlighted the investment in the Prisoners Building Homes programme.

Update from the Police and Crime Commissioner

PCC Philip Wilkinson provided an update on the National Police Air Service (NPAS), noting that forces in the South West of England were building their own drone capacity to reduce reliance on helicopters. He discussed the potential for cost-effective regional aviation support and collaboration with other agencies such as the coast guard or air ambulance.

The Panel also discussed the mapping exercise of organisations providing support to young people, with the aim of creating a comprehensive list on the PCC's website to enhance resource sharing and collaboration.

Forward Work Plan

The Panel identified four topics for strategic briefings: reducing reoffending, work to reduce anti-social behaviour, serious violence, and neighbourhood harm reduction. The Chairman used his casting vote to select neighbourhood harm reduction as the fourth topic. The Panel also expressed interest in further information about the work done by volunteers to support Wiltshire Police.

For more detailed information, you can refer to the Minutes of the Meeting and the Public Reports Pack.