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Schools Forum - Thursday 27 June 2024 1.30 pm

June 27, 2024 View on council website  Watch video of meeting
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The Schools Forum of Wiltshire Council met on Thursday 27 June 2024 to discuss various budgetary and policy matters, including the Dedicated Schools Grant (DSG) budget monitoring, the Safety Valve Programme, and the Early Years Entitlement Expansion. Key decisions were made regarding the allocation of funds and the implementation of new initiatives to address ongoing challenges in the education sector.

Dedicated Schools Budget - Budget Monitoring 2023-24

Marie Taylor, Head of Finance – Children & Education, presented the year-end budget monitoring information against the Dedicated Schools Grant (DSG) for the financial year 2023-24. An overspend of £4.385 million was forecasted, primarily due to pressures on the High Needs Block (HNB). The Government's extension of the statutory override until 2026 was noted, which separates Local Authorities' DSG deficits from their wider financial position.

Safety Valve Programme Update

Liz Williams, Finance Lead – High Needs Block Sustainability, provided an update on the Safety Valve Programme, aimed at addressing the high deficit in the HNB. The programme seeks to bring the HNB spend into a balanced position within five years. The Department for Education (DfE) has given positive feedback on the plan, and approval is expected soon. The programme includes a capital request for expanding Special Schools places in the South of the County.

School Budget Setting 2024-25

Grant Davis, Schools Strategic Financial Support Manager, discussed the overall funding settlement for each of the Funding Blocks. The Government has pledged an increase of £1.8 billion for the Schools Block and £440 million for the HNB. The Schools Forum agreed to apply all funding factors at the 2024-25 National Funding Formula (NFF) rates and set the Minimum Funding Guarantee at 0.5%. A transfer of 0.55% from the Schools Block to the HNB was also approved.

Early Years Entitlement Expansion

Marie Taylor reported on the Early Years Entitlement Expansion, confirming that several funding applications had been received, with eight providers currently being funded. The main criteria for accessing this funding include being located in an area of low sufficiency, having a good or outstanding Ofsted rating, and a financial provider contribution.

Wrap Around Childcare Development

Lucy-Anne Bryant informed the group about the wrap-around childcare survey, which received 2,269 responses. Fifty-five parents indicated a need for wrap-around care that is currently not offered. Some schools did not forward the survey to parents, which may have affected the response rate.

Child Health Records Red Book

The forum discussed the relevance of the Red Book, with many finding it increasingly redundant. Health visitors are moving towards electronic records, and there is inconsistency in how the Red Book is used across different areas.

SENIF Update

Emma Cooke provided an update on the Special Educational Needs Inclusion Fund (SENIF). Tighter control and management have been implemented, leading to an increase in Band 1 referrals and a decrease in Band 2 referrals.

Chair Position

Lucy-Anne Bryant confirmed the need for a provider voice from the group at the Schools Forum. The nomination for the chair position was delayed until the next meeting due to the absence of many members.

The next meeting is scheduled for Friday 27 September 2024.