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Cabinet - Tuesday, 25 June 2024 10.00 am

June 25, 2024 View on council website Watch video of meeting
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The Denbighshire Council Cabinet meeting on 25 June 2024 addressed several significant issues, including the ongoing problems with the new waste model rollout, the adoption of the refreshed Climate and Nature Strategy, the establishment of the Rhyl Town Board, and the Council's performance self-assessment. The meeting also reviewed the Council's financial position for the year 2023-24.

Waste Model Rollout

The meeting began with an urgent discussion on the implementation of the new waste model, which has faced significant challenges. Councillor Jason McClellan issued an apology to residents affected by delays in waste collection and emphasized the Council's commitment to resolving the backlog. He announced a special meeting on 8 July to scrutinize the rollout and ensure transparency. Councillor Barry Miller and Chief Executive Graham Boase also addressed the operational difficulties and outlined steps being taken to improve collection rates, including increasing resources and prioritizing areas with the most significant issues.

Climate and Nature Strategy

The Cabinet reviewed and recommended the adoption of the refreshed Climate and Nature Strategy for the Council. Councillor Barry Mellor highlighted the Council's commitment to becoming net carbon zero by 2030 and improving biodiversity. The strategy, which has been updated following public and partner engagement, includes new sections on reducing emissions and increasing carbon absorption across Denbighshire. The Cabinet acknowledged the challenges ahead but emphasized the importance of maintaining ambitious targets.

Rhyl Town Board

The Cabinet discussed the establishment of the Rhyl Town Board as part of the government's leveling-up agenda. The report detailed the appointment of Adam Roche as the chair of the board and outlined the proposed membership. Councillor Jason McClellan and Tony Ward explained the rigorous selection process and the importance of having a balanced and effective board. The Cabinet endorsed the information submitted to the government and emphasized the need for the board to work closely with all elected members in Rhyl.

Council Performance Self-Assessment

The Cabinet reviewed the Council's Performance Self-Assessment for 2023-24. Helen Vaughan Evans and Emma Horan presented the report, which provides an end-of-year analysis of progress and challenges. The assessment identified six improvement actions, including focusing on the regional delivery of the sustainable transport plan and iteratively reviewing the Council's objectives. The Cabinet acknowledged the need to adjust expectations in light of budget constraints and emphasized the importance of transparency and continuous improvement.

Financial Report

The Cabinet reviewed the financial report for the year 2023-24, which showed an overall overspend of £676,000. The overspend was primarily due to increased demand and complexity in social care services. The report highlighted the success of budget control measures in mitigating some of the overspend and noted the ongoing challenges in managing high-risk areas such as children's services and adult social care. The Cabinet emphasized the importance of continued vigilance and effective budget management.

Forward Work Programme

The Cabinet noted the forward work programme, with no changes reported.

The meeting underscored the Council's commitment to addressing current challenges, maintaining transparency, and working collaboratively to achieve its strategic objectives.


Councillor Delyth Jones
Councillor Brian Jones
Councillor Huw Williams
Councillor James May
Profile image for Councillor Hugh Irving
Councillor Hugh Irving  Welsh Conservatives •  Prestatyn Central
Councillor Rhys Thomas
Councillor Jason McLellan
Councillor Emrys Wynne
Councillor Gwyneth Ellis
Councillor Alan James
Councillor Paul Keddie
Councillor Julie Matthews
Councillor Barry Mellor
Councillor Eryl Williams
Councillor Hugh Evans
Profile image for Councillor Ellie Chard
Councillor Ellie Chard  Labour •  Rhyl South
Councillor Andrea Tomlin
Councillor Bobby Feeley
Profile image for Councillor Elen Heaton
Councillor Elen Heaton  Labour •  Prestatyn East
Councillor Terry Mendies
Councillor Gill German
Councillor Merfyn Parry
Profile image for Councillor Joan Butterfield
Councillor Joan Butterfield  Labour •  Rhyl West