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The Development Control Board of Dartford Council met on Thursday 27 June 2024 to discuss several planning applications and related matters. Key decisions included the approval of a new medical centre in Greenhithe and the refusal of a retrospective application for a mixed-use childminding service in Dartford.
DA/23/00145/FUL Car Park, Steele Avenue, Greenhithe, Kent
The Board approved the development of a new medical centre on Steele Avenue, Greenhithe, which will include a three-storey building with under-croft and external car parking, a public space with benches and planting, and soft landscaping within the site. The approval was granted despite concerns about parking provision being 40% below the required level as per the Supplementary Planning Document on parking.
Councillor C M Gale, Ward Member for Greenhithe & Knockhall, spoke in favour of the application, highlighting the benefits of the new medical centre, especially given the closure of three local medical centres. The applicant’s agent, Lucy Farrow, and objector, Paul Grimston, also addressed the Board.
One member argued that the proximity of public transport mitigated parking concerns, while another suggested reopening a closed bus stop and adding a new one to improve public transport access. The Principal Planner confirmed that a Car Park Management Plan would be implemented to manage parking effectively and prevent commuter parking. The Board resolved to approve the application with amendments to conditions 33 & 34 and an updated condition 26 to manage long-stay and commuter parking.
DA/24/00162/COU 86 Central Road, Dartford, Kent, DA1 5UN
The Board refused a retrospective application for the change of use from a dwelling (class C3) to a mixed-use dwelling and children's childminding service at 86 Central Road, Dartford. The application sought permission for up to 16 children and included 2 full-time and 1 part-time staff.
The Development Manager noted a petition in support of the application, although it lacked signatures. The applicant’s representative, Steve Clarke, spoke in favour of the application, arguing against the Officer’s recommendation to refuse it due to noise and highway amenity concerns.
Members debated the merits of the application, with some highlighting the urgent need for childcare services and others expressing concerns about parking and safety. Ultimately, the Board voted to refuse the application, citing noise, disturbance, and highway amenity issues.
Validation of Planning Applications: Local Validation List
The Board approved revised information requirements for the validation of planning applications, as detailed in the Local List of Validation requirements. The list will be subject to consultation, and any objections will be reported back to the Board. If no relevant responses are received, the list will be adopted.
Lower Darent Riverside Strategy
The Board agreed to align the Lower Darent Riverside Strategy with the new Dartford Local Plan. The strategy, approved by Cabinet in October 2022, promotes resilient development along the lower Darent, addressing flood risk and creating accessible, connected places. It will be treated as a material consideration for future relevant planning applications within the study area.
Decisions Taken Under Delegated Powers
The Board noted the decisions taken under delegated powers for the periods 28 February 2024 – 26 March 2024 and 27 March 2024 – 29 April 2024, as detailed in the Delegated Report.
Government Consultation Responses
The Board noted the responses sent on behalf of the Council for recently issued government consultation papers related to planning matters.
- Attendee: Alina Gaskin
- Attendee: Avtar Sandhu MBE
- Attendee: Brian Garden
- Attendee: Claire Pearce
- Attendee: Clement Quaqumey
- Attendee: Danny Nicklen
- Attendee: Darren Povey
- Attendee: David A Hammock
- Attendee: Denzil J Reynolds
- Attendee: John Burrell
- Attendee: Marilyn I Peters
- Attendee: Paul Denman
- Attendee: Peter Harman
- Attendee: Peter Whapshott
- Attendee: Roger S L Perfitt
- Attendee: Steve Brown
- Attendee: Victoria Akintomide-Akinwamide
- Communications
- Agenda frontsheet Thursday 27-Jun-2024 19.00 Development Control Board agenda
- 2400093FUL - 7 Berkeley Crescent
- Public reports pack Thursday 27-Jun-2024 19.00 Development Control Board reports pack
- Minutes Public Pack 16052024 Development Control Board minutes
- Delegated Report 30.04.2024-11.06.2024
- 2300944FUL - 95 High Road
- 2200538FUL - West Hill House
- 2300896FUL - RO 9-23 Station Road