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Overview and Scrutiny Board - Wednesday 26th June, 2024 4.30 pm
June 26, 2024 View on council websiteSummary
The Overview and Scrutiny Board of Middlesbrough Council met on 26 June 2024 to discuss the future scrutiny structure. The Board approved the proposed changes to the scrutiny structure, which will be implemented in the 2024/25 municipal year. An evaluation of the new structure will be conducted in April 2025 to assess its effectiveness.
Future Scrutiny Structure
The Head of Legal Services (People) presented a report proposing changes to the scrutiny structure, driven by Democratic Services and supported by Managers. The report suggested reducing the number of thematic panels from five to two: a People scrutiny panel and a Place scrutiny panel. Each panel would be supported by two Democratic Services Officers. The aim was to streamline and enhance the scrutiny process, increase operational resilience, and improve support for scrutiny functions.
Members expressed concerns that the proposed structure might increase the workloads of the Executive. However, it was clarified that the frequency of Executive Member attendance at Scrutiny was not expected to change. Some members suggested reducing the number of thematic panels to four instead of two, arguing that it would be more effective without significantly altering the existing structure.
Concerns were also raised about the broad remits of the proposed panels and the potential for longer scrutiny meetings, which might limit member participation. The Head of Legal Services clarified that the reduction in panels would not equate to a reduction in topics per panel and that the quality of scrutiny work would remain high.
A discussion took place regarding the potential remuneration for Vice Chairs of the proposed panels. The Chair clarified that affording Special Responsibility Allowances was not within the Board's remit and would be left to the Independent Remuneration Panel.
Members raised concerns about the timing of the report and the lack of alternative options. It was clarified that the proposals aimed to make better use of time and resources and improve the scrutiny process. The Board agreed to approve the proposed scrutiny structure and model for implementation in the 2024/25 municipal year. An evaluation will be conducted in April 2025 to review the new structure and identify any necessary adjustments.
Resignation of the Chair
The Chair announced his resignation as Chair of the Overview and Scrutiny Board, as he had been recently elected as Cleveland Police and Crime Commissioner. He thanked all members for their involvement in the scrutiny process during his chairmanship.
For more details, you can refer to the Minutes and the Report.
- Brian Hubbard
- David Branson
- David Coupe
- Edward Clynch
- Graham Wilson
- Ian Blades
- Ian Morrish
- Jack Banks
- Jeanette Walker
- Jill Ewan
- Jim Platt
- John Kabuye
- Linda Lewis
- Michael Saunders
- Mieka Smiles
- Morgan McClintock
- Andrew Humble
- Ann-Marie Wilson
- Charlotte Benjamin
- Clive Heaphy
- Debbie Middleton
- Erik Scollay
- Gemma Cooper
- Geoff Field
- Joanne Dixon
- Richard Horniman
- Rob Brown
- Scott Bonner
- Susan Lightwing