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Development Control Committee - Thursday, 27th June, 2024 10:00

June 27, 2024 View on council website  Watch video of meeting
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The Development Control Committee of Bridgend Council met to discuss several planning applications, including the approval of new affordable housing in Bettws, a change of use for a property in Bridgend, and the conversion of a storage area to office space in Porthcawl. Key decisions were made on these applications, with conditions imposed to ensure compliance with local planning regulations.

Land West of Heol Dewi Sant, Bettws

The committee approved the application P/23/699/FUL for the demolition of existing buildings and the erection of two apartment blocks comprising 20 affordable dwellings. The decision was contingent on the developer entering into a Section 106 Agreement to provide a financial contribution of £11,380 towards outdoor sports. The committee also required a detailed specification for the materials to be used in the construction to ensure they enhance and protect the visual amenity of the area.

14 Park Street, Bridgend

The committee granted the application P/23/753/FUL for the change of use from offices (use class B1) to a House in Multiple Occupation (HMO) (Use Class C4) for a maximum of six persons. This decision aligns with the council's housing strategy to provide diverse housing options within the community.

Griffin Park Bowls Pavilion, Porthcawl

The committee approved the application P/24/22/FUL to convert the first floor of the Griffin Park Bowls Pavilion from a storage area to office accommodation for Porthcawl Town Council. The approval was subject to the installation of a single lockable bollard within the vehicular access gate off New Road, in accordance with a scheme approved by the Local Planning Authority, to ensure highway safety.

Ysgol Bryn Castell, Abergarw

The committee granted the application P/23/380/BCB for the erection of floodlights to the external Multi Use Games Area at Ysgol Bryn Castell. This decision supports the school's efforts to enhance its facilities for students and the community.


The committee noted the appeals received since the last Development Control Committee meeting. These appeals are part of the ongoing process to ensure transparency and fairness in planning decisions.

Training Log

The committee reviewed and noted the training log outlining upcoming training modules for members. This ensures that committee members remain informed and up-to-date on planning regulations and best practices.


Room - Council Chamber
Rhodri Davies
Gillian Dawson
Lee Evans
Stephen Griffiths
Steven Jenkins
Rachel Keepins
Janine Nightingale
Michael Pitman
Oscar Roberts
Euan Sexton
Councillor Rob Smith
Profile image for Councillor Steven Easterbrook
Councillor Steven Easterbrook  Independent •  Bridgend Central
Councillor Della Hughes
Councillor Alan Wathan
Councillor David Harrison
Councillor Chris Davies
Councillor Anthony Berrow
Councillor Mark John
Councillor Martin Hughes