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Local Development Committee - Tuesday 25th June 2024 6.30 p.m.

June 25, 2024 View on council website
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The Local Development Committee met on 25 June 2024 and approved planning permission for a new co-living scheme in Stratford and for a new block of flats in Forest Gate.

Decision on planning application 24.00394.LA3 - land to the rear of 101-121 The Grove, Stratford, E15 1HP

The committee considered a proposal to grant planning permission for a new co-living development on land to the rear of 101-121 The Grove, Stratford. The scheme would involve the demolition of a number of existing buildings on the site and the erection of a new building ranging in height from 7 to 15 storeys. The new building would provide 270 co-living units1 with associated amenity space, cycle parking, refuse storage, and landscaping.

The committee heard from officers that the proposal was considered acceptable in terms of its impact on the character and appearance of the area, the living conditions of future occupiers, and the provision of affordable housing. The committee also heard from a representative of the applicant, who spoke in support of the proposal.

This site will deliver high quality much needed homes for people in Newham.

A local resident spoke against the application, expressing concerns about the height and scale of the proposed development.

The committee voted to approve the application.

Decision on planning application 23.02102.FUL - 492 Forest View Road, London, E7 0HR

The committee considered an application for the erection of a part four/part five-storey building comprising 4 x 1 bedroom, 2 x 2 bedroom and 1 x 3 bedroom flats with associated refuse, cycle parking and landscaping following demolition of the existing single-storey building at 492 Forest View Road, London, E7 0HR.

Officers explained to the committee that the principle of development had already been established as the site already benefits from a grant of planning permission for the demolition of the existing building and the erection of a three-storey building for 4 x 1 bedroom, 1 x 2 bedroom and 1 x 3 bedroom flats under application reference 18/01612/FUL.

This application therefore seeks to vary that extant permission by increasing the height of the building and therefore the number of residential units proposed from 6 to 7.

The committee heard from officers that the proposal was considered acceptable.

The committee voted to approve the application.

  1. Co-living is a type of residential development that typically involves small, self-contained residential units clustered around shared communal facilities. Co-living developments are typically aimed at young professionals and offer an alternative to traditional house shares. 


Shirley Fortune
Mehrunnisa Hussain
Jane Custance
Alexander Odwyer
Councillor Mehmood Mirza
Councillor James Beckles
Councillor Musawwar Alam
Councillor Salim Patel
Councillor Carolyn Corben
Councillor Femi Falola
Councillor Nur Begum
Profile image for Councillor Imam Haque
Councillor Imam Haque  Deputy Chair of Council 2024/2025 •  Labour •  East Ham
Profile image for Councillor Syed Bashar
Councillor Syed Bashar  Labour •  Little Ilford
Councillor Sabia Kamali