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Health and Wellbeing Board - Wednesday 26 June 2024 9.00 a.m.

June 26, 2024 View on council website
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The Health and Wellbeing Board of Rotherham Council convened on 26 June 2024 to discuss several key issues, including diabetes care, neighbourhood working, pharmaceutical needs, prevention and health inequalities, physical activity initiatives, combating drugs, and suicide prevention.

Diabetes Care in Rotherham

Hannah Morrow and Rachel Martin from Diabetes Sheffield presented on the current state of diabetes care in Rotherham. They highlighted that over 5 million people in the UK live with diabetes, with 7.45% of the adult English population diagnosed. The presentation emphasised the importance of the National Institute for Care Excellence (NICE) recommended checks for diabetes patients and noted significant disparities in care access across different GP practices. The Board discussed the high level of inequalities in diabetes care and the need for more community engagement and support.

Neighbourhood Working and Ward Priorities

Martin Hughes, Head of Neighbourhoods, presented the Thriving Neighbourhoods Strategy. The strategy aims to create safe, welcoming neighbourhoods with strong community spirit. Hughes outlined the ward-based model, the role of councillors, and the integrated working approach. The presentation also covered the most common themes in ward priorities, such as community safety, environment, and health and wellbeing. The Board discussed the importance of aligning ward priorities with service delivery and future planning.

Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment - Supplementary Update

Lorna Quinn, Public Health Intelligence Principal, provided an update on the Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment (PNA). The update noted the closure of three pharmacies and a reduction in opening hours for several others. Despite these changes, 85.9% of the population remains within a 15-minute walk of a pharmacy. The Board expressed concern over the lack of pharmacies open after 9 p.m. and the impact on residents' access to medication.

Prevention and Health Inequalities Strategy and Action Plan Update

Rebecca Woolley, Public Health Specialist, updated the Board on the Prevention and Health Inequalities Strategy. The strategy focuses on delivering against clinical areas in the Core20Plus5 and Prevention High Impact Intervention frameworks. Key progress includes the expansion of the outcomes framework, engagement with long-term condition patients, and the launch of the Say Yes campaign. The Board endorsed the next steps outlined in the presentation.

Annual Update - Physical Activity/Moving Rotherham Board

Gilly Brenner and Nick Wilson from Yorkshire Sport provided an annual update on physical activity initiatives. Rotherham has been selected for the Sport England Place Expansion Programme, which aims to increase physical activity in areas with the greatest need. The presentation highlighted various community activities, infrastructure improvements, and funding opportunities. The Board discussed the importance of physical activity in reducing health inequalities and improving wellbeing.

Annual Update - Combating Drugs Partnership

Ben Anderson and Laura Koscikiewicz presented on the progress of the Rotherham Combatting Drugs Partnership. The partnership aims to break drug supply chains, deliver a world-class treatment system, and reduce drug demand. Key achievements include the establishment of a Local Drug Information System (LDIS) Panel, the launch of a new Substance Misuse Early Help Team, and the development of harm reduction initiatives. The Board discussed the need for better engagement with drug users and the importance of supporting individuals in recovery.

Updated Suicide Prevention and Self-Harm Action Plan

Ruth Fletcher-Brown, Public Health Specialist, provided an update on the Suicide Prevention and Self-Harm Action Plan. The presentation highlighted the current suicide rates in Rotherham, ongoing training initiatives, and the launch of the Attempted Suicide Prevention Service. The Board discussed the rising number of female suicides and the need for targeted communication campaigns.

Update on Health and Wellbeing Strategy Action Plan

Leonie Weiser, Policy Officer, presented an update on the Health and Wellbeing Strategy Action Plan. The current strategy will end in 2025, and the refresh process will align with the upcoming Council Plan refresh. The Board noted the progress against agreed priorities and the importance of continued engagement with the public.

Better Care Fund

The Chair reported on the latest quarterly submission of the Better Care Fund (BCF). The BCF Operational Group will conduct a deep dive into specific areas, such as the High Impact Frailty Service, to ensure value for money and effective targeting of funds. The Board discussed the challenges and recommendations for improving frailty care in Rotherham.

Rotherham Partnership Place Board - Partnership Business

The minutes of the Rotherham Place Board meetings held on 20 December 2023 and 17 January 2024 were submitted for information and noted.

Farewell to Leonie Wieser

The Chair announced that this would be Leonie Wieser's last meeting as she is leaving the Authority in April. The Board wished her well in her future employment.

Date and Time of Next Meeting

The next meeting of the Health and Wellbeing Board will be held on Wednesday, 26 June 2024, at 9.00 a.m., with the venue to be determined.