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We're not currently able to provide detailed weekly summaries for Chichester Council. We need support from the council to:
- Ensure we can reliably access and process council meeting information
- Cover the costs of processing and summarizing council data
- Maintain and improve the service for residents
You can help make this happen!
Contact your councillors to let them know you want Chichester Council to support Open Council Network. This will help ensure residents can stay informed about council decisions and activities.
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The Grants and Concessions Panel of Chichester Council met to discuss various grant applications and funding allocations, focusing on the UK Shared Prosperity Fund and the Rural England Prosperity Fund. Several grant applications were approved, while others were rejected due to various concerns.
UK Shared Prosperity Fund and Rural England Prosperity Fund
Mrs T Murphy introduced the report on the UK Shared Prosperity Fund and the Rural England Prosperity Fund. The council received £1 million from central government for direct delivery funding projects to be used by 2025. The funding aims to resolve key issues in the district and form long-term networks. Applications for funding between £5,000 and £10,000 were assessed by the Leader of the Council, the Cabinet Member for Wellbeing and Communities, and the respective ward member. No funding above £40,000 was considered.
Councillor C Apel praised the efforts and hard work of the officers involved in the grant funding distribution process.
The panel approved several grant applications, including:
- Tuppenny Barn: £24,211 for three new ten-week community gardening programmes to support people with poor mental health, social isolation, additional learning needs, economic inactivity, or vulnerability.
- Birdham and Wittering Scouts: £20,000 to install shutters and a kitchen to improve user experience and allow additional groups.
- Axiom Product Development: £19,000 to purchase a large-scale 3D printer to assist in decarbonising and reducing environmental impact.
- Chichester Community Development Trust: £14,925 for a bike project to support active travel.
- Chichester Community Development Trust: £18,780 for the
Discover Your Future
project to support vulnerable women into self-employment.
Rejected Applications
Several applications were rejected due to various concerns:
- Arun and Rother Rivers Trust: £31,600 for community engagement, volunteering, and education projects was not approved due to concerns regarding the project's location and context.
- Chichester Cathedral Trust: £36,830 to make the Cathedral fully accessible was rejected due to high costs and the availability of less expensive solutions.
- Chichester City Arts Centre: £25,348 to improve heat efficiency was not approved as the project would not increase visitor numbers.
- Chichester City Football Club: £26,000 to install solar panels was rejected because the £6,000 matched funding was not secured.
Concessionary Grant Application
The panel approved the Fernhurst Hub's application for a rent subsidy in connection with the 2024 rent review.
Discretionary Rate Relief Application
The application for discretionary rate relief by the Byrne Family Foundation was refused due to a lack of demonstrated exceptional circumstances and financial hardship.
For more details, you can refer to the Minutes and the UKSPF Applications update.