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Economy and Growth Committee - Tuesday, 4th June, 2024 2.00 pm

June 4, 2024 View on council website Watch video of meeting
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The Cheshire East Council's Economy and Growth Committee meeting covered several significant topics. The main focus was on the Danes Moss development and the financial performance and budget allocation for the upcoming year.

Danes Moss Development

The committee heard from three public speakers, Mr. James Melling, Mr. Simon Brown, and Professor Sami, who presented a petition against the Danes Moss development. They argued that the project would cause significant environmental damage, including the destruction of biodiversity and peatlands, which are crucial for carbon storage. The speakers emphasized the site's ecological importance and its value to the local community. The committee acknowledged the petition but noted that the final decision would be made by the Strategic Planning Board.

Financial Performance and Budget Allocation

The committee reviewed the final financial outcome for the 2023-24 fiscal year. The Place Directorate reported an underspend of £3.6 million against a £94 million budget, with the Economy and Growth Committee specifically underspending by £4.5 million. Key savings were achieved through vacancy management and reduced spending on utilities and business rates. The committee approved the financial report and noted the positive financial position.

Budget for 2024-25

The committee discussed the allocation of service budgets for the 2024-25 fiscal year. The Medium-Term Financial Strategy (MTFS) was approved, and the committee was tasked with delivering the proposed budget changes. Two items were flagged as high risk: service restructures and office rationalization. The committee emphasized the need for early engagement and proactive management to address these challenges.

Towns Fund Grant Reallocation

The committee approved a reallocation of the Towns Fund grant, reducing the budget for the Repurposing Our High Streets project by £317,000 and redistributing it to other projects, including the Youth Zone project at Oak Street and the Cockay Park and Jubilee project. Concerns were raised about the sustainability of the Youth Zone project, but reassurances were given that no additional council funding would be required.

Work Programme

The committee reviewed its work programme and decided to schedule the September meeting to start at 4 PM to accommodate members with different responsibilities. The committee also emphasized the need for better cross-committee communication and early engagement in the budget-setting process.

The meeting concluded with a resolution to exclude the press and public for a confidential item.