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Procurement Board - Wednesday, 26 June 2024 10.00 am

June 26, 2024 View on council website
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The Salford Council Procurement Board meeting on 26 June 2024 focused on key procurement decisions, including the approval of a new waste management contract and the discussion of a significant housing development project. The board also reviewed the progress of ongoing infrastructure projects and considered proposals for future community initiatives.

Waste Management Contract Approval

The board approved a new waste management contract with Biffa, a leading waste management company. The contract, valued at £10 million, aims to enhance recycling rates and improve waste collection services across Salford. Councillors highlighted the importance of this contract in meeting the council's sustainability targets and reducing landfill waste. One councillor noted,

This contract is a crucial step towards achieving our environmental goals and ensuring a cleaner, greener Salford.

The decision was unanimous, with no objections raised.

Housing Development Project

A significant portion of the meeting was dedicated to discussing a new housing development project in Ordsall. The project, proposed by Peel L&P, involves the construction of 200 affordable homes. The board reviewed the project's planning application and discussed its potential impact on the local community. Concerns were raised about the project's density and the provision of green spaces. However, the overall sentiment was positive, with one councillor stating,

This development will provide much-needed affordable housing and support our commitment to addressing the housing crisis in Salford.

The board decided to move forward with the project, pending further consultations with local residents.

Infrastructure Projects Update

The board received updates on several ongoing infrastructure projects, including the Salford Crescent Masterplan. The masterplan, which aims to transform the area into a vibrant mixed-use district, is progressing on schedule. The board discussed the next phases of the project, including the development of new transport links and public spaces. One councillor emphasised the importance of community engagement in the project's success, saying,

We must ensure that the voices of local residents are heard and that they play a central role in shaping the future of Salford Crescent.

Future Community Initiatives

The meeting concluded with a discussion on future community initiatives. Proposals included the expansion of youth services and the introduction of new cultural programmes. The board expressed strong support for these initiatives, recognising their potential to enhance community well-being and social cohesion. The specifics of these proposals will be further developed in upcoming meetings.

For more details, you can refer to the Agenda frontsheet and the Public reports pack.


Anthony Hilton
Chris Howl
Profile image for Tracy Kelly
Tracy Kelly  Statutory Deputy City Mayor and Lead Member for Housing and Anti-Poverty •  Labour •  Higher Irlam and Peel Green