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Overview & Scrutiny Committee - Thursday, 27 June 2024 10.00 am
June 27, 2024 View on council website Watch video of meetingSummary
The Overview & Scrutiny Committee of St Albans Council met on Thursday 27 June 2024 to discuss various topics, including the activities of Healthwatch Hertfordshire in relation to social care, and the Scrutiny Work Programme for 2024-25. Key decisions were made regarding the prioritisation of social care issues and the approval of the work programme for the upcoming year.
Healthwatch Hertfordshire - Activity in Relation to Social Care
The committee reviewed a detailed report from Healthwatch Hertfordshire on their recent activities related to social care. The report highlighted several key areas of concern, including the accessibility of services for elderly residents and the quality of care provided in local care homes. Healthwatch Hertfordshire emphasised the need for improved communication between care providers and service users, citing numerous instances where residents felt uninformed about their care options.
Councillors discussed the findings at length, with several members expressing concern over the significant gaps in service provision
identified in the report. One councillor noted, It is imperative that we address these issues promptly to ensure our residents receive the care they deserve.
The committee resolved to prioritise these issues in their upcoming work programme and to engage more closely with Healthwatch Hertfordshire to monitor progress.
Scrutiny Work Programme Report 2024-25
The committee also reviewed and approved the Scrutiny Work Programme Report for 2024-25. This document outlines the key themes and areas of focus for the committee over the next year. The programme includes a strong emphasis on social care, housing, and environmental sustainability.
The report was accompanied by Appendix 1 - Scrutiny proposal form and Appendix 2 - Committee meeting themes 2024 - 2025, which provided additional details on the specific topics to be scrutinised. The committee agreed to adopt the work programme as presented, with a particular focus on addressing the issues raised by Healthwatch Hertfordshire.
One councillor remarked, This work programme reflects our commitment to tackling the most pressing issues facing our community, from social care to environmental sustainability.
The decision to approve the work programme was unanimous, and the committee expressed confidence in their ability to deliver meaningful outcomes over the next year.

- Agenda frontsheet Thursday 27-Jun-2024 10.00 Overview Scrutiny Committee agenda
- Public reports pack Thursday 27-Jun-2024 10.00 Overview Scrutiny Committee reports pack
- 01- Agenda 240627 agenda
- 04 - Scrutiny Work Programme Report 2024-25
- 02 - Minutes 240423
- 03 - Healthwatch Herts - Activity in relation to Social Care
- 04b - Appendix 2 - Committee meeting themes 2024 - 2025
- 04a - Appendix 1 - Scrutiny proposal form