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Environment Cabinet Panel - Friday, 28 June 2024 10.00 am
June 28, 2024 View on council website Watch video of meetingSummary
The Environment Cabinet Panel of St Albans Council met on Friday, 28 June 2024, to discuss various environmental initiatives and performance reports. Key topics included waste management performance, progress on the Sustainable Hertfordshire Programme Plan, updates on the Tree and Woodland Strategy, and the council's biodiversity duty.
Waste Management Performance Report
The panel reviewed a report on waste performance statistics, following the recent publication of figures by the Department of Environment, Food & Rural Affairs (Defra). The report covered the period 2022-23 and included landfill figures. Members noted that from 1 April 2024, all residual waste contracts would be for energy recovery, aiming to eliminate direct landfill use. The panel acknowledged the continued good performance of the County Council compared with regional neighbours.
Sustainable Hertfordshire Programme Plan: Progress Report
The panel received an update on the progress of the Sustainable Hertfordshire Programme Plan since its approval in March 2023. A member raised a question about the fleet figures in the report, and it was clarified that the figures included some fleet data from the County Council's operational estate. The Head of Sustainability, Julie Greaves, committed to providing further details on the calculations. The panel also discussed a recent seminar on cleaner air, where Mark Doran, Director of Environment and Transport, presented to the Herts Association of Parish and Town Councils. The panel commended the officers for their progress and work.
Tree and Woodland Strategy: Progress Report
An update was provided on the Hertfordshire County Council Tree and Woodland Strategy, which has been in place since 2022. A member inquired whether the trees planted under the Highway Estate
were additional or replacements for those removed by Highways. Tony Bradford, Head of Countryside & Rights of Way (CRoW), will provide a written response to clarify this. The panel noted the progress made, the overlap with the Rural Estates team's work, and the uncertain availability of future government grants and funding.
Biodiversity Duty
The panel discussed a report on the strengthened Biodiversity Duty placed on Local Authorities by the Environmental Act 2021. The report detailed the actions taken to comply with the new requirements. The panel noted the progress made and the work to be progressed within the first reporting period.

- 01. Agenda 240628 agenda
- 02. MInutes 240306 minutes
- 03. Replacement of SHIA with DMSP
- Agenda frontsheet Friday 28-Jun-2024 10.00 Environment Cabinet Panel agenda
- 04 - HGB Sustainable County Mission
- 04a - Appendix A HGB Vision and Missions
- Public reports pack Friday 28-Jun-2024 10.00 Environment Cabinet Panel reports pack
- 03a - Appendix A - EqIA for new co-benefiting decision making tool