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Licensing and Regulatory Committee - Monday, 24th June, 2024 2.00 pm
June 24, 2024 View on council website Watch video of meetingSummary
The Licensing and Regulatory Committee of North Somerset Council met on Monday, 24 June 2024, to discuss various licensing applications and regulatory matters. Key decisions included the approval of a new premises licence for Wookey Hole Limited and the granting of a premises licence for Street Football Club, with specific conditions regarding noise management.
Variation of a Premises Licence - The Chapel, Graham Way, Cotford St Luke, Taunton, TA4 1HX
The committee considered an application from Stephen Elliott to extend the supply of alcohol and the provision of live and recorded music at The Chapel, Cotford St Luke. The application sought to extend alcohol service by an hour on Thursdays and Fridays, and by an hour and a half on Saturdays. Additionally, the applicant requested longer hours for live and recorded music.
The Licensing Officer, Alison Evens, reported that there had been one objection from a resident, but no contact was made with the council or the applicant. There were no reports of anti-social behaviour or objections from the police, Environmental Health, or other local residents.
Stephen Elliott explained that the extended hours would provide more flexibility for events, which are currently managed through Temporary Event Notices (TENS). He assured the committee that noise levels are monitored, and measures are in place to minimise disturbance to neighbours.
The committee granted the application, noting that it did not undermine the licensing objectives and that no significant objections were raised.
Consideration of an Application for a Premises Licence in Respect of Wookey Hole Limited, Wookey Hole, Wells, BA5 1BA
The committee reviewed an application from Wookey Hole Limited, which sought to amend the hours for licensable activities and include the provision for off-sales. The new licence would allow the supply of alcohol from 06:00 to 02:00 every day, with regulated entertainment and late-night refreshment also extended.
The Senior Licensing and Business Support Officer highlighted that the application aimed to make the business more competitive. The applicant, Mr Goodchild, stated that the extended hours would provide flexibility, although they might not always be used. He also mentioned plans for a small outdoor area for alcohol consumption.
One representee, Mr Tetley, expressed concerns about noise and lighting from the proposed outdoor area. Mr Goodchild assured that a noise management plan would be created, and CCTV would be installed.
The committee granted the application, with the condition that a noise management plan be implemented.
Consideration of an Application for a Premises Licence in Respect of Street Football Club, Tannery Ground, Middle Brooks, Street, Somerset, BA16 0TA
The committee considered an application from Street Football Club, which sought a premises licence to replace its current club certificate. The new licence would allow for the sale of alcohol, regulated entertainment, and late-night refreshment, providing greater flexibility for the club.
The Licensing Officer noted that the application received nine representations against it, primarily concerning noise and disturbance. The applicants, Ms Stimpson and Ms Culliford, explained that the licence would help the club operate sustainably and support the community. They offered to amend the application to restrict live music to indoors only and proposed a noise management plan.
Representatives Mr Adrian Williams and Mrs Sharon Perry voiced concerns about noise from the club, particularly from the Tannoy system and morning cleaning activities. The applicants agreed to address these issues.
The committee granted the application, with the condition that a noise management plan be created and approved by the council.
For more details, you can refer to the Minutes Public Pack 02042024 Licensing Sub-Committee, Minutes Public Pack 12042024 10am Licensing Sub-Committee, and Minutes Public Pack 12042024 2pm Licensing Sub-Committee.
- Andy Soughton
- Brian Smedley
- Connor Payne
- Diogo Rodrigues
- Hugh Davies
- Lance Duddridge
- Marcus Kravis
- Martin Lovell
- Mike Murphy
- Peter Clayton
- Simon Carswell
- Simon Coles
- Tom Power
- Tony Lock
- Tony Robbins
- Alan Weldon
- Claire Dicken
- Jack Godley
- John Rendell
- Lesley Dolan
- Steve Taylor
- Agenda frontsheet 24th-Jun-2024 14.00 Licensing and Regulatory Committee agenda
- Public Guidance Notes
- Minutes of Previous Meeting
- Hackney Carriage and Private Hire Licensing
- Minutes Public Pack 02042024 Licensing Sub-Committee minutes
- Minutes Public Pack 12042024 10am Licensing Sub-Committee minutes
- Minutes Public Pack 12042024 2pm Licensing Sub-Committee minutes
- Public reports pack 24th-Jun-2024 14.00 Licensing and Regulatory Committee reports pack
- Printed minutes 24th-Jun-2024 14.00 Licensing and Regulatory Committee