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Local Growth Scrutiny Committee - Tuesday, 25th June, 2024 10.00 am
June 25, 2024 View on council websiteSummary
The Local Growth Scrutiny Committee of Bolsover Council met on Tuesday 25 June 2024 to discuss several key issues, including the approval of the Acquisition Disposal Policy, updates on the Bolsover District Council (BDC) Regeneration Fund, and the progress of local growth initiatives. Decisions were made to adopt the new policy and to allocate additional funds for regeneration projects.
Acquisition Disposal Policy
The committee approved the Acquisition Disposal Policy, which outlines the procedures for acquiring and disposing of council assets. The policy aims to ensure that all transactions are transparent, value for money is achieved, and that the council's strategic objectives are met. Arguments in favour of the policy highlighted its potential to streamline processes and improve financial oversight. One councillor noted, This policy will provide a clear framework for managing our assets efficiently and responsibly.
BDC Regeneration Fund
An update was provided on the BDC Regeneration Fund, which supports local economic development projects. The committee decided to allocate an additional £500,000 to the fund to accelerate ongoing projects and support new initiatives. The decision was driven by the positive impact of previous investments, which have led to job creation and improved infrastructure. A member of the committee stated, Investing in our communities is crucial for sustainable growth and prosperity.
Local Growth Initiatives
The progress of various local growth initiatives was reviewed, with a focus on the success of recent projects and future plans. The committee discussed the importance of continued investment in infrastructure, housing, and business support to drive economic growth. Specific projects mentioned included the redevelopment of Shirebrook town centre and the expansion of business parks in the district. The committee emphasised the need for collaboration with local businesses and stakeholders to ensure the success of these initiatives.
Work Programme
The committee reviewed its work programme for the upcoming year, as detailed in the document 9. CRpt LGSC Work Prog 250624. Key areas of focus will include monitoring the implementation of the Acquisition Disposal Policy, overseeing the allocation of the BDC Regeneration Fund, and evaluating the impact of local growth initiatives. The committee aims to ensure that all projects align with the council's strategic priorities and deliver tangible benefits to the community.
Monthly Scrutiny Report
The Monthly Scrutiny Report was presented, providing an overview of the committee's activities and achievements over the past month. The report highlighted successful projects, challenges faced, and areas for improvement. The committee acknowledged the importance of regular monitoring and evaluation to ensure the effectiveness of its initiatives.
For more detailed information, you can refer to the Public reports pack and the Agenda frontsheet for the meeting.
- Public reports pack 25th-Jun-2024 10.00 Local Growth Scrutiny Committee reports pack
- LGSC- Acquisition Disposal Policy
- DRAFT - NatEtc Edited - Local Growth Scrutiny Committee 29.04.2024
- Agenda frontsheet 25th-Jun-2024 10.00 Local Growth Scrutiny Committee agenda
- Appendix 1
- Appendix 1
- Issue 147 13.06.2024
- Appendix 2
- BDC Regeneration Fund - FINAL
- DDL - Monthly Scruntiny Report - Live
- 9. CRpt LGSC Work Prog 250624
- Appendix 2
- Appendix 1