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Public Protection and Communities Scrutiny Committee - Tuesday, 25th June, 2024 10.00 am

June 25, 2024 View on council website  Watch video of meeting or read trancript
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The Public Protection and Communities Scrutiny Committee of Lincolnshire Council convened on Tuesday, 25 June 2024, to discuss a range of significant topics, including the annual reports from the HM Senior Coroner, the Voluntary Sector, the Registration and Celebratory Service, and the Safer Lincolnshire Partnership. Key decisions were made regarding the approval of these reports and the future work programme of the committee.

HM Senior Coroner Annual Report

The committee reviewed the HM Senior Coroner Annual Report, which detailed the activities and performance of the coroner's service up to 31 December 2023. Paul Smith, His Majesty's Senior Coroner for Greater Lincolnshire, highlighted a reduction in the number of referrals and post-mortems, aligning with national averages. The report also noted a concerningly high number of road traffic collision deaths and a higher-than-average percentage of accident conclusions. The committee was assured of the progress made and the reduction in the number of old cases.

Voluntary Sector Annual Position Report

Ben Rollicks, Chief Executive of Voluntary Centre Services, presented the Voluntary Sector Annual Position Report. The report highlighted a 50% increase in volunteer engagement, the development of a new online volunteering platform, and significant contributions to social value. The committee discussed the importance of training for volunteers and the challenges faced by small grassroots organizations in securing core funding. The committee expressed satisfaction with the work undertaken and requested a further update in 12 months.

Registration and Celebratory Service Annual Report

James Chappell, Head of Registration, Celebratory, and Coroner's Services, presented the Registration and Celebratory Service Annual Report. The report noted a slight decrease in birth and death registrations but highlighted improvements in digital services and the introduction of online ceremony bookings. The committee discussed the timeliness of death registrations and the upcoming move of the Lincoln Register Office to Orchard House B. The committee was satisfied with the progress and performance of the service and requested a further update in 12 months.

Safer Lincolnshire Partnership Annual Report 2023-24

Zoe Walters, Business Manager of the Safer Lincolnshire Partnership, presented the Safer Lincolnshire Partnership Annual Report 2023-24. The report provided updates on the partnership's progress against its strategic priorities, including antisocial behaviour, reducing reoffending, serious violence, and substance misuse. The committee discussed the effectiveness of the noxious odours procedure, the Women's Rise initiative, and the importance of public engagement. The committee endorsed the report and requested a further update in 12 months.

The Work of Safer Lincolnshire Partnerships Lincolnshire Women's Strategy

The committee reviewed the Work of Safer Lincolnshire Partnerships Lincolnshire Women's Strategy, which focuses on supporting women and girls at risk of entering the criminal justice system. Zoe Walters highlighted the establishment of the Women Rise Centre and its various hubs across the county. The committee discussed the importance of upstream interventions, the impact of short-term custodial sentences, and the need for sustainable funding. The committee was assured of the progress made and the strategic approach to supporting women and girls.

Work Programme

The committee reviewed and approved the work programme for 2024-25, noting the addition of a new item regarding a lease agreement for operational vehicles. The committee emphasized the importance of maintaining a balanced agenda and avoiding the deferral of items to ensure timely scrutiny and decision-making.

The meeting concluded with the committee expressing gratitude to the officers for their support and the comprehensive reports provided.